Originally Posted by thef4lc0n
Last saturday, i played 3 games with my vfc mp5. it worked very well even in rainy day.. No jammed, noticeable cooldown and whatsoever.
My custom upgrade for mine: crusader feeding ramp, 2 mag with 2.6mm valve, bolt guide, azimuth nozzle,azimuth cylinder, A+ hop up rubber.
Only 1 problem i noticed, it's the shooting range, my hop up didnt perform very well because the nub of the original hop up set isn't enough space to press the rubber even in maximum setting.. Anyone has answer for this problem?
@sequential: how do you know between version1 or 2 hop up chamber of the original vfc mp5? how to differentiate?
Thanks before.
Take it apart, and you will know. Version 1 hop-up has no nub to press the hop-up down, it has strictly an arm applying pressure on the hop-up rubber. Where as version 2 has an arm + rubber nub to apply pressure to the hop-up rubber.