Originally Posted by mcguyver
Their receivers were not CNC crom a billet of aluminum. They were CNC finsished from a cast alloy rough. Just like Systema.
Pretty much everything that customers assumed they had done was wrong, and everything they hoped FCC would do they did not.
No shit? Okay, so what's with the extra large price tag? These things are worth less than a Systema. At least as far as quality, function, and performance goes. You can buy a Systema challenge kit for under $1,000, and I'm not about to pay someone to pre-assemble a useless piece of clone crap for me, assembled or not. So, $800-ish? Just for the sake of having a non-M4 TW. I was really honoring they'd go RA-Tech style with their shit. Oh well, I'm buying another Systema, and paying to have the motor modded; the perfect airsoft machine.