Thread: The KWC M1911
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Old August 8th, 2013, 15:57   #4
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Originally Posted by Drakker View Post
The KWC 1911 is a decent pistol, but as you said, it fires hard. There might be available parts to reduce the velocity, but I don't know of any at the moment. The principal drawback of this pistol is that it has absolutely no aftermarket support. It means that its pretty much impossible to get replacement parts when something breaks, and it has no available upgrade parts either.

There are other 1911s available in the same price range, such as the KJW 1911a1 and MEU and KWA's PTP 1911s. They both have readily available replacement parts and can be upgraded.

I don't know your budget, but if you get age verified, you can get a Tokyo Marui 1911 for around 290$. This is by far the best 1911 on the market and worth every dollar. It has tons of available replacement and upgrade parts and its the most accurate 1911 out of the box. Also, it has a plastic slide, which, in this case is a huge advantage as it means you will get more shots out of your mags. 1911a1 mags typically hold 26 rounds, but the full metal 1911s usually have a hard time shooting more than 15. A plastic Tokyo Marui can shoot all 26 rounds without any problem. It also works a lot better in cold weather than full metal 1911s.
You can reduce the FPS with a valve, probably about $20, but you need to tear apart the bolt to get into there to install it.

The NPAS kit I think run about $40, not sure, but I think it works for the KWA 1911 (Should be same as pistols $40).

Age Verified is recommend, you could consider a TM Hi-Capa which is essentially a 1911, but mod-able to the max.
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