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Old July 16th, 2013, 20:20   #1
Mr. Gruntsworthy
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Oshawa, Ontario
Fire Power Multi-Shot Spring Shotgun (Full Stock) Q's

Hi fellas.

So, I'm thinking about picking up a spring shotty; the one mentioned in the thread title. I spotted one in a local army surplus store for $80, and I want a shotgun for sure.

I was just wondering; do any of you have any experience with this shotgun?

It's a tri-shot, and says that it fires between 290-310 fps w/ .2g BB's.

Also, a secondary question: Though low in fps, since I plan on using the shotgun in close quarters out in the bush, can I get away with using .3g BB's in this sucker? What's the heaviest BB you'd risk in this guy? I know I wouldn't get much range using higher weight BB's in such a low-powered shotgun, but range isn't what I'm going for in a shotgun (I have my main arm for that).

Thoughts? Opinions?
Main: King Arms P90
380 fps, AEG

Sidearm: KJW Taurus PT92 (olive drab)
320fps, semi-automatic. Propane GBB

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