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Old July 3rd, 2013, 02:34   #9
Join Date: Jul 2011
Originally Posted by ccyg8774 View Post
I have a DBOY PDW, and saw another one from a friend. Haven't got a chance to try VFC PDW but have some experience on other VFC guns.

My DBOY PDW have a gap between the upped and lower receiver, but they get together just fine, just some wobbling between upper and lower receiver. Another gap when I installed the longer outer barrel, but not very noticeable. The folding stock is also wobbling. The rail is thicker than it should be, most accessories and rail covers that are not QD have a hard time getting on that, I have to push like crazy hard against a desk to get my KAC type rail cover on. The finishing on the "nob" that hold the folding stock when it is folded get wore very fast, but finishing on other places are fine for now.

My friend's DBOY PDW had more finishing wore, but I guess that is fine since his was being used more. Didn't see the stupid gap between upper and lower receiver, probably less noticeable or not present on his gun. His stock is also wobbling. He don't use any accessories nor rail covers so we don't know if the rail is also off spec on his gun.

Other than that, I think it is fine. The internal may need some cleaning, shimming, and regreasing. If you can do that yourself, great. If you have to pay someone else to do that, remember to consider that cost when compares between the VFC and DBOY.

The VFC gearbox is much better. Even when you had to do work on it, it would be almost a pleasure to work with, compares to DBOY guns.
Hey really appreciate the detailed post. This is exactly what I'm looking to find out.

Just a few follow up questions though. When you say the nob has wore on it. Your talking about the little nod on the receiver that locks the stock in place right? When you say wore do you mean cosmetically worn or the nob gets worn to the point that it does not hold the stock on properly?

The wobble on the stock may bother me lol as I like my stocks to be somewhat solid. I actually don't mind the gap between lower and upper receiver as long as it does not cause any issues.

Also forgot to ask how heavy is the Dboy's RDW? Is it heavy for its size or is it light? I find pot metal externals to be very heavy when compared to higher quality builds.

Thanks again for the details.
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