The only shop I have had a good service experience in Hong Kong in terms of being knowledgable, helpful and friendly to a point has been Ehobbyasia.
They have very knowledgable staff, even though they are not part of the Mong Kong gun street strip, they are worth the small journey on the MTR and still very easy to find. The bonus with them is language, a number of their staff have very good English capabilities.
UN has always been a fairly friendly experience for me, but shop staff knowledge/service is sometimes additionally burdened and limited by language barrier. I have only on occasion not gotten just what i wanted, and most of those experiences had to do with simple faulty product(UN has always been excellent with correction manufacturer defect, in my case). But they have for the most a very Hong Kong attitude, they are there to sell, not really provide a lot of customer support and service. They are not there to wait on you per say. But they will gladly suggest and offer advice even with language barriers.
I would not say they would have intentionally cheated you as that is not their character(I have had a lot of dealings with them), and I trust between possible error and language issues they probably made a simple honest mistake.