Thread: ICS m4 issues
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Old June 13th, 2013, 08:40   #15
scnitzelmahn's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Ottawa
wow, thanks for all the advice.

Its not the tappet plate. The gun cycles just fine tappet plate wise.

By jams i mean that the gun dry fires, then sounds like its farting, just like lurkingknight explained, but then the gun starts grinding gears.

well i guess i should get a new nozzle.

just curious, at first we at the field found that it was initialy the BBs i was using. I was using airsoft centrals, it was jamming, and then i tried BB bastards, and they worked....for a few hours.

Just curious, do you guys think that swaping out the ICS hopup with a G&P hopup would solve the issues? i find that the ics hopup is a bit cheap looking and odd to adjust.

thanks for all the help guys
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