Originally Posted by Deadpool
For commercial use, ups is cheaper. But for residential CP is cheaper. I may also add that when negotiated agressively, Puro is the cheapest there is for business stuff. 6$ for small (under 5lbs) parcel in province is pretty hard to beat.
Puro use to be cheaper for us but they lost the contract (they didn't really fight for it) and then without telling anyone, went back to published rates. Took 2 years to clear the account of balances we refused to pay since they changed their rates and had no proof that they informed anyone. Canpar smalls are $3.81 + tax within Ontario.
my problem with CP is that they forced us to use their Express Order Entry instead of the EST software. the EOE was giving us numerous problems. we would often get duplicate shipping entries and I would have to filter through their invoices to get them credited as I had proof that they had never been picked up or delivered. CP insisted that it was user error but we could never figure out how it happens. They wouldn't send a tech to help us either. All these adjustments were credited up until the start or March when they said it would be a $25 fee for each adjustment.