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Old June 8th, 2013, 21:33   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Toronto
Spring guide stuck inside piston

Hey guys, i have an echo1 p90 and i had just installed a m95 spring inside the gear box after checking to see if everything was aligned I closed it up and took a couple shots. after 2 or 3 shots it had stopped firing and a horrible grinding sound took its place. i opened it back up to check if it was the gears how ever i noticed that the piston was in the back of the gear box and the spring guide wouldn't come out of the piston.

any help would be great

i finally got the spring guide out reassembled everything and tried firing again same problems persisted so i took everything apart and switched the piston for a stock one fires fine but it shoots very softly. being shot about 10 feet away only a little pain is felt like a hard flick. is this how an m95 shoots or is something wrong with my piston now?

Last edited by jvu3; June 9th, 2013 at 13:21.. Reason: progess on the problem
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