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Old June 7th, 2013, 15:36   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Questions about a first purchase.

Hey guys, I've recently developed an interest in airsofting so I went down to get age verified today and am now ready to look into making my first airsoft purchase. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips for a beginner regarding what brands/stores I should be looking for. I have done my research and called a few stores. However, I would appreciate some feedback from the community as to what you guys recommend.

So far I am looking at purchasing from I've had my eye on the full metal AKS 101 (heres the link, ). I was told CYMA makes reliable AK's, I am not really to picky on what type of model I am purchasing, I am open to M4s, M16s, Scars, and other variety of assault rifles. I will be driving up to Toronto to possibly make the purchase this Wednesday, I live in the Cambridge area and so far for Airsofts supplies my favorite store is KW Surplus.

If you guys have any suggestions for the Toronto area or Kitchener/Cambridge area on some good stores please let me know! I am really just looking for gear and a standard reliable gun. I am currently on a fixed budget, I will be looking for anywhere ranging $200-260 for a gun, I know this is a low budget, but with all gear and taxes included I am looking at $500-600 and I am trying to keep it as low as possible! Let me know what you guys think, please feel free to suggest some weapons that may be a little bit above my price range!
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