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Old June 7th, 2013, 01:53   #5
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Bar1975 View Post
LOL... love your profile pic.. very appropriate for this thread

So.. let me get this straight...

The Co2 option means i need to also buy a C02 charger? Or some means of actually getting the Co2 into the grenade whereas a propane grenade will allow me to use the same ole set up i have for all my other gas powered items? (propane tank with propane adapter)

I didn't realize how expensive these things can get.. oh wait it's airsoft.. of course i did
Yes. You'll need a CO2 charger. Ideally you will also want a 20oz tank but the 12 gram cartridges will work to fill 3-5 grenades depending on which ones you get and how high you charge them.

Propane grenades suck. As do many other brand grenades that claim to operate on CO2. Trust me, I've seen a lot that don't work!

Propane is, at best, moderately okay for indoors. CO2 madbull grenades will get you 75-100' kills with flat trajectories. Observing your MED's is important though when running high PSI!
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