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Old May 14th, 2013, 22:56   #8
sharpshiell's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: winnipeg
What would be advantageous in a stationary location like a base front gate or vehicle would be a system that easily dispenses extra mags. Kinda like a buddy handing you your next mag. This means that the operator is reloading from that location not there loadout. When the time comes to dismount or bug out the operators loadout has not been depleted of ready mags just the stationary dispenser. there for fight harder.


Yes old school vs new dog....just kidding

most company's that have liked the idea like Fellfab or CPgear are textile not mold making. I was also delayed because of laws in the CF. Public servant invention act, then conflict of interest, then blah. to say the least that's all done now.
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