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Old May 13th, 2013, 22:48   #1
sharpshiell's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: winnipeg
loadmaster (multiple magazine dispencer)

Hi guys just looking for some initial feed back. This is my invention that I have been working on for a year now and is not for sale or anything like that. I have already had many many,,,many discussions with fiends, coworkers(military) and ex Canadian SF's. I am looking for feed back on things that I might have overlooked. Before any says the usual thing of they have seen it before please keep in mind that I do have the patent so no this is a new idea.

My patented concept is a system of operation where firearm magazines are ejected from a container sequentially to the operator (think candy Pez dispenser). Empty mags are placed back into the container. I say system of operation because where it is worn, capacity, shape etc are irrelevant. I have built working prototypes of back packs, hips and chest versions.

There are many advantages to using this system instead of regular mag pouches. Muscle memory speeds up reload time. Recycling empty mags back into the container reuses space rather then using the dump pouch currently used. When used as a back pack it frees the users chest of bulky mags. When fully sealed it protects the ammunition in the mags from FOD rather than using impact/dust covers. When worn as a backpack and made using ballistic material it is the worlds first fully integrated load carriage and body armor. One of its best uses would be as a stationary resupply point for the shooters ie a base front gate, police cruiser door, helicopter for example.

Above are amateur videos of early concepts but the idea the same. These videos show a exaggerated variant that carries up to 25 stanag or P-MAG magazines simply to show that it can be done not that it should be done as that was very heavy in ammunition. The more useful variants would be any size the operator wants i.e. 6, 8,12 mags using a modular design including the option of a much lower profile version where the mags are in series not parallel making the carrier thinner.
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