Allied Camp coordinator and Tactical Commander filled
Still need AXIS and Resistance positions filled
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
I want to put in place a couple of positions to assist with co-ordination of actions
People needed to assist
ALLIED Camp coordinator - Responsible for setting up the ALLIED reenactment camp -Filled Cpt Lee Cassar
AXIS- Camp Coordinator- Responsible for setting up the AXIS reenactment camp
Responsibilities include a general camp plan, compiling resources for the camp impression and finding out who is bringing what. I'll be creating a page on the website for each camp to provide contact information and a inventory for the camps.
General CAMP Coordinator- to keep the general camp organized-- the general camp will be organized in a military fashion as well sites will be assigned.
AXIS- Commander- I'll need one person to serve as overall commander - this person MUST have a fully developed Officer Impression of the rank of Major or Captain, and be equipped to reside in the Reenactment camp for the duration of the event- Tactical Leadership skills a MUST -
ALLIED-Commander - I'll need one person to serve as overall ALLIED commander - This person MUST have a fully Officer Impression of the rank of Major or Captain, and be equipped to reside in the Reenactment camp for the duration of the event. Tactical Leadership skills a MUST - Filled- Cpt Lee Cassar
RESISTANCE Leader - Ill need one person to serve as the leader of the resistance / partisan fighters.
People interested in these roles- please PM me with an outline of your experience and reason why you want the job.
if you have local issues with groups in your area where some persons would find you to be not acceptable as a leader, DON'T apply .. I don't want to deal with your Drama.
SAFETY OFFICER- Each unit commander must coordinate a qualified first responder for each faction- these people must have and be qualified to use a first aid kit suitable for outdoor sports injuries. These people should have a Medic impression , but this is not required.