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Old April 24th, 2013, 16:06   #6
Zack The Ripper
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^I have the SO Boogies as well and they are only best used with a helmet adapter as with the strap it becomes too tight and uncomfortable for extended play and will actually chaff leaving a big red goggle line for a day or two around your eyes. They don't fog with me as I use C-Clear on everything I own, however you still will get "sweaty lens" from time to time (instead of a fog spread the condensation will bead and roll down the lens, obscuring your vision just as much.

This all said, for running NODs/NVGs the boogies are the best hands down, however you will want to lather on the anti fog and keep moving to allow for air flow and avoid condensation. If you are looking for a pair you can use universally, the SO OTWs are hands down the best eye pro you can buy.
Guardians of Asgaard
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