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Old April 20th, 2013, 00:23   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Calgary/Vancouver
Originally Posted by Chiba View Post
Been doing that. I can still never get the outside of the r-hop to sand down flush with the barrel entirely no matter how much I sand (of course not below the outside of inner barrel). This causes the r-hop to push down sometimes.

Also I find my R-hop isn't consistently applying spin.. sometimes I have to shoot a few BBs (it would shoot like under hopped) before it is giving me a nominal trajectory.

Anyone have an idea why? Let me know if you need specs.
you can use a razor blade (super thin single-edges or a halved double-edge shaving blade is perfect) to cut the outside of the patch. doesn't come out as clean, but is easier...also easier to screw up too. ymmv. the sanding method definitely takes a little patience.

when you're adjusting your hop up (same goes for 99% of all hop up units on the market, r-hop'd or not) make sure to adjust up (increase hop) slightly after decreasing the hop setting to have the unit apply pressure properly.
too busy tinkering to play.
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