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Old March 11th, 2013, 16:51   #40
Captain Awesome
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Originally Posted by Junky View Post
The build KWA did on these looks very impressive! Some pretty cool R&D to mimic the real steel version too. But man do they look bulky?! I mean compared to an mp7 or mp9, the thing just looks kinda clumsy to operate. Any comment on how they handle?

This is coming from an mp7 user, so I might be just a little bias :P
I haven't gamed with it too much yet and I am an ar platform guy for many years, so I will say this;

The furniture placement is more akward than I would have thought. I find myself always activating the bolt catch/ release I lieu of the mag release due to the muscle memory of the ar.

The mag release as previously mentioned is right where your thumb is on your support hand, but as mentioned that makes it so you have to release, eject, stow then retrieve, insert, charge. It would be nice to have it activated by your primary so you could be reaching for a fresh mag at he same time.

The fire selector I find akward to actuate. This could just be my physiology or my lack of training/ experience with the weapon but I find to activate the selector I need to move my hand in such a way that I no longer have solid grip on the grip as well as my finger is not close to the trigger for immediate response.

It is fairly hefty and heavy but that is more a good thing considering te context this gun suppose to be used in. It's not a field gun where ounces matter, its a cqb gun so its weight makes it wieldable and deliberate.

The mags are long and have quite a bit of weight to them. I'm not sure if I'd want shorter 25 end mags just for profile, weight and load out ammount, but I do find it dissapointing it doesn't use glock mags. I see why from a business stand point so no real complaints there, just worth noting.

As for the function it's awesome. I like the ergonomics of the platform. The function of the cyclic system I enjoy the gun and am glad I got it and would definatly reccomend it, however there are other platforms that may be better suites for some such as the mp9 or mp7 dependingnonbyour play style, personal preference and actual deployment/ necceccity of the gun. I can't realistically see someone strapping a vector to their thigh as in the case of a 7 or 9, but that being said for a deliberate primary sub, its weight, feel and features make it shine out for cqb.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.

Last edited by swatt13; March 11th, 2013 at 16:56..
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