Kimbo speaks the truth!
I tried out the z-tactical sordin replica's a couple yrs ago. And while they looked the part, and worked ok around the house. As soon as I gamed them, pffffft they shit the bed once they got some sweat in them and I was pissed.
I went to some MSA Sordins, twice now... lol. They work awesome.
I don't think you need a crazy radio for our purposes. I've been using a motorola single pin ever since I started playing and really, I don't see a need in spending the money on anything else. The PTT is the important part, although I have also had good fortune with my clone, but I did re-solder every connection in it :P I do however understand that for the most part clone PTT's suck the big one.
Save up for some real MSA Sordins. You will never consider clone coms again.