Originally Posted by suzenonest
Thats what I originally was looking for, but couldnt find it in stores. A quick search found that triflourothane is no good. Tetra and diflourothane were supposed to be okay. I read somewhere diflourothane is more consistent.
If that is the issue, Ill need to hunt down some tetra
Difluoroethane will eat your seals away
I'd recommend you completely vent you mags and do a few round of filling/venting your mags (with Tetra or Propane WITH silicon oil), or even better yet, soaking all you gaskets/oring in silicon oil ASAP
Edit: Also, difluoroethane is less powerful than Tetrafluoroethane. Not to confuse with TetrafluoroMethane, (r-14) which I think is Freon (there's no chance you find a duster can of the later anyways, but it's good to know that 1 letter can change a lot :P)