Originally Posted by Spawn28
+1 im tired of the WE bashing ive had my WE 3.8 highcappa for 5 years must have put 250,000 rnds through it not lying either i put at least a mag through it every night as tension relief. its still bone stock not one part cracked or replaced. Yeah sure now it has a rattle too it but its still a powerhouse and is 100% reliable. i have retired this gun only because i wanted to try something new. The Gen2 KWA ATP that i replaced it with is another good choice.
Remember guys every brand has had a run of shitty guns or so called lemons hell even systema has its issues no reason to condem WE to the Cybergun level.
To the OP: whatever you like go with its totaly up to you.
Once I got rid of the plastic frame, the WE was good to go. Otherwise, the Cansoft ones self destruct after a couple of months.