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Old September 7th, 2012, 01:19   #196
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Originally Posted by Kozzie View Post
I've been saving my pennies and I'm excited to say I'm going to be joining the "ptw club" shortly. I've been talking with Chris from DTT and he's been great. I'm leaning towards getting the 2012 max DTT custom which comes with their a hop-up and motor mod.

From what I've come across the motor and waterproofing issues as well as a hop mod seem to be the most important issues to take care of off the bat.

So what I'm looking for is any additional advice you would give to a systema newbie. Any handy tips your experience has developed that would have like to have known as a brand new ptw owner.

-Are there any other mods or upgrades that you would recommend?
-What do you do on a regular basis to maintain your ptw?
-What mags would you recommend that will feed 28's & .3's. Has anyone had any experience with the DTT pmags?

Thanks, any advice is much appreciated
Bastard .25/.28 that is all I feed my TW, DTT mags whether it's the Systema or their Pmags are awesome I never have issue dealing with Chris. Make sure if you do choose to use LiPo make sure your battery is adequate if not get the FCC mini ECU, what ever you do don't put that AS ECU they are shit I burned through two, most important advice ENJOY IT! there will be plenty of wallet draining accesories to be added later on

Last edited by wildcard; September 7th, 2012 at 01:30..
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