Thread: CO2 Leak?
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Old January 27th, 2012, 18:00   #5
voorhees -FWA-
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Yes, water isn't going to hurt anything. I've done it to almost all my gas magazine with suspected leaks. I use water because it's clear and you can pin point exactly where the leak is. A couple of my WE magazines were leaking and it sounded like the leak was from the fill valve. I dunked them in the glass vase filled with water and I could see that it was actually leaking from a small area on the seal at the bottom of the mag by the fill valve. Saved me time and money, I could have blown a lot of fill valves trying to locate the leak.

Once you take them out of the water, shake off the access water and wipe them down. Apply silicone to the exposed rubber and a shot in the valve ports. Good to go...
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