Thread: CO2 Leak?
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Old January 27th, 2012, 17:41   #4
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Location: Markham, ON
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Don't leave open Co2 overnight, it freezes your seals. This is true for paintball, pellet guns, airsoft, etc. Co2 cartridges aren't like propane, you can't leave them in the mag for extended periods.
oh does it? I know its cold but half say its alright, half say the pressure on the seals isn't good, so I thought it has nothing to do with the gas touching the seals...

And, voorhees so you put the mag into water? :O
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It has no heart.
Therefore, it does not think.
It flies straight towards its target."

- Reki, before firing her SVD Dragunov.
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