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Old November 15th, 2011, 03:48   #13
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Location: Roscoe, IL USA
Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
it isn't out of the box exactly... they've had hop mod done...

oh btw ... barrel length and fps doesn't do much ...
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Barrel length makes very little difference, I had a 100mm 6.08 bore HFC pistol that shot with a 2" grouping out at 160 feet. And it was bone stock, 300fps.
The critical factors in range and accuracy are the hopup and the compression behind the BB. My VSR runs a 6.03 barrel only 420mm long, and it's DEAD accurate at 240 feet, and still accurate enough to hit people out to 300 feet.

Besides, like I said, you can't compare a sniper rifle to a PTW, they are TOTALLY different platforms. Especially a springer bolt action vs an automatic, totally unfair. PTW's are damn accurate, but you can't argue that having an air nozzle fixed to your cylinder and in the guaranteed fully closed position is just plain better for compression and consistency.
I would have to disagree... to a point. Barrel length does matter, but only to the point that the bb stabilizes within the barrel. There isn't enough data out there yet to determine the relation, but up until that point, barrel length plays a huge role. Beyond that, it is true, that it doesn't make much difference at all (maybe a small increase in fps as long as you're bored up correctly)

Beyond this, barrel quality (finish, uniformity, diameter etc), compression, bb quality, and hopup are the determining factors in accuracy, so here we're more or less in agreement.

The PTW vs BA Sniper rifle is the question of efficiency, not of "accuracy". The PTW offers a greater volume of fire, at a very good accuracy, but shot per shot, assuming a perfect shooter, the vsr and friends take the day

As to fps, it does play a somewhat larger role, but because drag increases by the square of velocity, and a sphere is pretty bad anyways, the marginal gains are pretty small, but there is a definite advantage of higher fps. At a higher fps, it is easier to "dial in", as the flight trajectory is flatter. In addition, you can afford to go to heavier rounds, and assuming that the bb is perfect (which normally isn't the case with heavier rounds), then you'll have a more stable projectile because of the increased mass, less "lead" time for a moving target, and more brush penetration. It also increases your range and/or effective range.

Originally Posted by ryan1796 View Post
I don't mean to insult you or other snipers out there, but I don't need a PTW nor an AEG to catch the sniper. The only two things I need is a pistol and quick feet.

And if it's one guy with PTW vs one guy with modded high-end sniper rifle, 99.9% PTW wins. It's the fact. Once they gets in your MED, it's out of your hand.

BTW 600fps airsoft gun is not an airsoft gun, it's a firearm.
Once you get up there in "sniping", the problem will be finding the sniper, and then the problem of getting close enough to get the pop off with your pistol. At high velocities, a sniper is required to have a spotter (for us anyways), so no, it is not out of our hands. If you get the "jump" on a sniper will be a very rare occurrence, so I'd say 99.9% is a bit overkill, and making huge generalizations on position, cover, field, etc. So, no it is not a fact.

Oh, also snipers are required to have a sidearm (for us)

Last edited by krap101; November 15th, 2011 at 04:23..
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