Spring length differences in PDW, G36 and rifles which come with short stock springs?
Hi guys,
I'm tinkering with my PDW this week and have been looking to swap the M140 that came included in the gun; ~425fps or so is obviously way too hot for this gearbox / gaming, and I'm also looking for less gearbox stress and a higher RoF.
I tossed in the included stock spring, and this brought it down to a hair under 400fps. This is still too hot for me, and besides, I'm looking to increase RoF which is lacking in the stock DBoys PDW.
A few weeks ago I picked up a JG 3 spring set labelled M110, M120, M130. I tried the M110 in my JG G36 and got very low velocity through the chrono, about 270fps. To double-check if I had compression problems, I popped in the stock spring back in and the G36 went back to around the mid-350s, i.e. back to normal. I gave up and stuck with the G36's stock spring (which I had wanted to ditch because it was attached to the piston with a hook, and I wanted to try a different piston).
So this week, I tried the same JG M110 spring in my PDW to try to lower it down from 400fps. Lo and behold, I get a very low speed, below 200fps. This is a confusing result for me, since the same gun is easily getting almost all the power out of the M120 spring and passes simple compression checks, so I figure I'm missing some knowledge.
I noticed both the PDW's stock (M120) and import (M140) springs are short length springs. The G36 also came with a shorter length spring (presumably ~M110). The JG M110 that is giving me unhappy results is a longer spring spring though, which is making me wonder if I'm just picking the wrong lengths.
Am I supposed to seek out a shorter replacement spring for my PDW? Or is a spring is a spring is a spring? I'm a bit confused.