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Old September 29th, 2011, 17:16   #483
DaRkCoMmAnDo's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Markham, ON
After much creeping of this thread I thought I would throw up what I've got so far. It's still a WIP, unfortunately a new car before a new complete impression is required. Thanks to Conker and Vince for pretty much half this stuff
Sorry about the crappy pics, all I got is my phone.

From the top:
Blackhawk RRV w/ Back Panel - (Seems MJK?)
EI M60 - MJK
Flyye Double M4 - CB
Flyye Triple Mag Shingle - CB
EI Compass Pouch - MJK

Flyye Warbelt - CB
Blackhawk Smoke Pouch - CB
Flyye Dump Pouch - CB
TAG Double Frag - CB

AI Dropleg Panel - CB
4x Flyye .45 Mag Pouches - CB
Pantac E&R Bag - CB
Repro Safriland 6004

Once the money is available, I'll start getting more authentic and correct pouches.

Do criticize/comment please!

Going to get a CIRAS soon I think, what would I be looking at for a real deal?
Looking for MCCUU's and a flight suit too, but I'm having trouble finding my size. Losing 50lbs was a blessing and a curse LOL
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