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Old September 11th, 2011, 14:08   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
G&G Mechbox trigger contact spring and other questions

Hi guys,

Just wanted to share some gearbox exploration I'm doing and ask a question or two. I've been setting aside some time lately to explore a G&G gearbox to familiarize myself with the internals. It's G&G's GR16 gearbox, and is what is installed in AEGs sold as the "SOCOM Gear PWS Diablo".

Here's a shot of the inside of the mechbox:

A while back I posted about having trouble with the trigger action and it staying in full-auto even after releasing the trigger, sometimes even in semi. I opened the gearbox today and discovered very tiny pieces of a broken spring throughout the gearbox, some lodged into grease near the motor's gear, others closer to the trigger assembly.

When I inspected the spring which keeps the contacts apart, I discovered it was barely holding on by a thread and only had a half-circle of wire remaining (instead of the usual loop):

Anyone know the proper name for a spring like the above? I'd like to pop in a new one and I need to know what to search for.

UPDATE: Here's a package of stuff that appears to have the necessary spring.

Here's the stock motor:

I'm not very pleased with the sound of this motor and like the sound of my G&P's motor better. If I was interested in trying out a different motor in this thing for the heck of it, how do I go about selecting one? I've been looking at the range of G&P motors on Budget-wise, I'm comfortable with whatever, but I'd like to match the appropriate motor to this gear set and spring. I'm not 100% sure which spring is in here, but the gun shoots about 360fps (which I'm happy with) if that helps narrow it down.


Last edited by MaciekA; September 11th, 2011 at 14:49..
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