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Old August 12th, 2011, 21:23   #5
the man behind the rifle
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: montreal
well ive owned a pdi 6.01, a prome 6.03, laylax 6.03 and madbull 6.03 but those where for my vsr-10 the promy does work well but the tolorences aren't as good as pdi. the .01 is a pain to have clean over and over . money isnt an issue but i just prefer pdi ,easier just to go with one brand.

tell me if this makes sense the hole point of not having a 6.01 is because of the bouncing phenomenom taking place in the barrel. if you have a vc cylinder that helps get ride of irregular airflow. add 8 barrel spacers to reduce all vibrations. then top it off with an pdi .05 barrel to give it room to flow freely with no imperfections to disrupt its fligth path. last but not least make the barrel match up with the outer so their is no airpressure on the outside of the inner barrel. couple this with good bbs and you have the making of 250ft consiintency with work to the scope and hop, does this make sense too you guys ?
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