An excellent review.
I wonder if the WE mags will fit the Tanaka GP35.
If they did then that might be a good alternative for mags.
Update Oct 2/2011
managed to get a hold of the WE mag. Construction is slightly different from the Tanaka one. But it seats the same way in the magwell of a Tanaka Browning as the Tanaka magazine does. However, the release valve sit in a different position on the WE magasine as compared to the Tanaka Magazine. As a result gas does not feed properly. The difference is not huge but there, nonetheless. So, based on my experience WE Browning magazines do NOT function in Tanaka Brownings.
I still would like to try out the WE GP35 one of these days.
Cry "Haddock" and let slip the hounds of Beer
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Last edited by Porkchop; October 2nd, 2011 at 14:38..
Reason: Got hold of a WE Mag