Originally Posted by oniwagamaru
dude i shit you not thats what i was thinking of making the next time i get another gun! well except for the grip... i like tango down battle grips better. looks awesome though i gotta say! how come you aren't co-witnessing your irons and your eotech? and like what angelus asked, does your irons line up?
I gotta say I jelly!
I like Tango Down Grips too, but the one I wanted wasn't available at the time.

And if you're referring to the GIF image, the reticle was Photoshopped in. LOL. The actual sight reticle was too bright/blurry on camera so I Photoshopped it in. I guess I should have lined it up.
Originally Posted by D-BOMB
I appreciate the build but I like the very first set up you had.
Oh that's why I'm working on my second upper, so I can quickly swap between the two.
Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith
Really nice build man....
BTW: may I suggest you get the Tactical Link Battery Assist Lever (BAL)?..... Looks better, and also doesnt wobble when installed(compared to the Magpul BAD), since it is secured in place by a set screw...
I just got mine, and I love it... 
I'll check it out, I don't know many manufacturers that do this type of work. I don't really know if I'll end up getting one, I might just leave it how it is.