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Old January 13th, 2011, 16:32   #105
Metalsynth's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Montreal
I'd go for a swift slap behind the head to get your job and pay restituted.

You've got a case for sure, you can even prove that you can buy those legally in a canada :P

The surplus IG in montreal sell airsoft GBBR, GBB and AEG and they're available over the counter, you just have to go in the store and ask for it.

They're hung behind the guy on the wall on a rack so everyone can see.

You can't get more in your face than that.

Even cigarettes are harder to see these days.

Certified Level 2 BA Sniper
Si ton épée est trop courte, allonge la d'un pas. ( Proverbe Hongrois )
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