Originally Posted by kullwarrior
I doubt it, They dont have stuff that outside Japan want...
Unique Magazine
Hard to deal with mechbox
Low FPS (280 is hard to feel it when you're shooting people over 100ft)
Hard to find parts
mags are a huge improvement, accurate size, great finish and weight and you can switch from 30 to 80 round max cap on the lowcaps plus they enable the bolt catch.
mechbox is rock solid, the dude at eagle6 has been making custom springs for it that get the gun up to 400 no problem and reporting no failures. he even makes custom lipos for this gun now.
parts are available from a number of retailers, pretty much anything that might fail as well as upgrades.
Their recoil engine try to resolve other competition's point but loses out ultimately.
recoil engine is awesome, it might not kick like a gbbr but the extra feedback over a regular aeg really enhances the experience. especially when you factor in the bolt catch, moving bolt etc.
recoil, GBBR clearly beats it, if not EBB from other system where parts are easier to find and replace
it's all about compromise. you lose half the recoil but you get no cooldown right? that's a big deal. i hated how each shot on my gbbr was slightly slower than the last in full auto. plus it's a fucking tackdriver compared to any gbbr i've seen, can't really beat tm hopup. no worrying about filling mags with gas and beebs, no bullshit leaks (fucking we), no inconsistencies based on temperature, no spraying gas clouds, no retarded jams from poor lubrication.
the recoil on a gbbr is AWESOME but it comes with a lot of bullshit. if you're willing to sacrifice a little bit of recoil, this system owns.
mechbox, they still have that hard takedown whereas ARES, ICS have easier time
unscrew stock tube, swap spring. is that too hard?
last round stop shooting, PTW is bigger in this and still wins.
bigger in this? ptw has no felt recoil, no moving bolt, really pricy parts, more expensive (albeit awesome) mags, worse accuracy and a number of other gripes you had with this gun AND costs twice as much. don't get me wrong, i have a soft spot for ptw's but tm's really got something here and i'm really happy to see it starting to gain momentum.