Low Temperature Solder (Pot Metal Repair)
Tried searching, couldn't find much, figured I'd ask.
I may have a metal body, but issue is that it is cracked at the trigger guard, so much to the point that it has snapped.
Unfortunately, it's just white/pot metal, and I've been told by a lot of people that white/pot metal cannot be fixed. Once it breaks, it's done. Did a little minor research, and apparently low-temperature solder works just fine on white/pot metal to repair it.
Was wondering if anyone has had any experience in the past when repairing any kind of white/pot metal objects, doesn't necessarily have to be a metal body. Would be nice since I can probably get that body for about $50, and then just fix it myself and save myself a pain in the ass of a price tag.

Primary: Custom WE M16A3
Secondary: KWA MP9
Side: Custom WE M1911A1