Velocity Arms. *Its been too long frank*
Alright so I bought a WE Scar from Velocity arms in july. It ended up breaking on me *the roller bearing on the hammer had its pin fall out and the bearing got lots on the field than the hammer got marred when I fired it unknown that the bearing was gone.
I emailed velocity arms. on the 24th of august. I recieved a speedy response on the 25th saying the gun doc was away for the weekend and they would ship me the part when he got back. That would have been the 30th.
Its now been 2 weeks *because we all know nothing will get done this weekend.* I have sent 2 additional inquiry emails asking if its been shipped with no response. If there is a hold up in the shipping process please let me know don't just leave me hanging. I have a big game coming up on the 26th and it would be nice if I could use my $600 purchase for more than 1 day of gaming with having owned it for 3 fricking months.
So lets go guys. Let me know whats going on or give me a tracking number. If not I'll send the gun back to you for a full refund. Thanks.