Originally Posted by Kingsix
Sounds like you have a taste in soviet weaponry. The JG SVD isn't even an SVD but a normal AK-47 with SVD style stock and barrel, actually they aren't even that hard to custom build. If I recall the CA SVD had a horrible rep. There are good things about the Realsword SVD but at the Toronto Airsoft Convention I asked a safe soft retailer who was carrying a few Realsword models to quote me a price on the SVD. It's custom order only for $1000. Like everyone is saying don't get the sniper rifle first getting an assault rifle like a AK-74 which has side rails in case you do want to upgrade to a marksmen role.
You are 100% right I love the Soviet weapons the dragunov has been in my mind for a long long time way before I dound out about airsoft when I saw the models from the Dragunov I went just nuts. But the AK-47 seems like a good choice. Does anyone know who produces the ak-101 variant?