Thread: Down right noob
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Old March 26th, 2010, 10:00   #37
Zeonprime's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Waterloo, kitchener, guelph, mississauga, north east toronto
Originally Posted by Sportco View Post
Amen Braw... the classified are FILLED with impulse buys... and leg holsters

If your not sure buy a commun all around model your can unload quickly WHEN you change your mind... yet again... like the rest of us!



PS And remember only people who pay 2000$ for they AEG tell you they will keep them until they kick the bucket... that because the rest of us sell at a small loss and switch to something else...
I must ask, what the hell is a Braw?

People who drop $2000 for a BNIB gun are usually buying Inokasuts(spelling) and you RARELY ever see those come up for sale in for classifieds.

Originally Posted by Shooting Addict View Post
I think you mean King Arms not Western Arms, WA only makes GBB/Rs none of which are AK's.

Varies from person to person but as far as i'm concerned in order from best to worst...

-Real Sword
-G&P and VFC(tie)

-TM and ICS(tie)
-Anything from walmart

There are a couple others but this is a good basic list some people will rearrange things a bit but you get the idea, for your price range brands to look for are highlighted in red.

As far as i'm concered when it comes to GBB again best to worse,

-Western Arms(Beats everyone by a mile, King of GBBs)
-Shitty clone brands

Spend all your money on your AEG though this is just for reference, pistols arn't necessary at all, i just like them.
For the most part I would agree with your lists (though I would never have included CYMA and Aftermath ever in that...but that is just me, what do I know? )

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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