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Old March 16th, 2010, 15:23   #17
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
I just delivered a full metal Shooters Design MEU, with Airsoft Surgeon loading nozzle, Airsoft Surgeon enhanced recoil spring, Airsoft Surgeon enhanced hammer spring, Firefly hop up rubber & Tanio Koba Twist barrel. This pistol shot over 26 shots before the mag was completely empty. The 25th shot was a noticeably weaker shot, but was able to load the 26th round. On the 26th shot, it was just *putt*, the BB shot out and the slide didn't move.

On my Kimber Warrior (custom built, Nova kit on Marui Colt M1911A1 Government base), I'm able to get 27 shots out of it with full lock back. The 28th shot still fires with noticeable power, but not able to lock back. Wait 2 minutes, and the 29th shot will still lock back. 30th shot was weak, but just barely enough power to load the 31st round. 31st round fired with a *putt*, and little slide movement.

If it means anything, this Warrior has a Guarder Si-Cr 150% spring kit (recoil spring and hammer spring) in there, Tanio Koba Twist barrel, Firefly hop up, Carom hammer, Carom sear, KM hammer strut, Carom valve knocker, Guarder loading nozzle, Nine Ball Dyna piston head, Action power up cylinder bulb & Nine Ball Dyna cylinder bulb spring.

Trigger, beavertail, MSH, safety levers, slide catch, mag catch, spring plug are all made by Nova, like the frame/slide.
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