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Old December 6th, 2009, 13:35   #28
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
care to try it on a Madbull king grenade??
Jay, just did some testing on a king. started with 200, then 400 and finally 600psi. one series with CO2, then with HPA. fill times seemed to be equivalent and the sound of a dry fire appeared to be identical.

I then did a final test with HPA and only 1 BB per tube @600psi. OMG! I wish I had the space to see how far they went. They travelled perfectly straight and I could make out the 12 round formation all the way to my target box. near zero separation at 20 feet. imagine a ring of BB's moving away from you maintaining it's original shape.

I know loading 204 BB's will take a bit away from only loading one in each tube but dude, it's sick!

Conclusion: if you got HPA, go for it.

Caveat: I haven't tried at higher PSI nor do I need to at this time. I can not state the longevity of running HPA at this time neither.

I'll be using nades on the 19th for sure now.
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