Yes Tys, that's a few of the concerns...
but never was a problem on WA. The
mags were built like a tank and sat fine.
Weight/length was a pain in a holster,
in a vest it's in the way of your kit, on
your drop leg it's flailing around, bashing
off everything.
It's a fun novelty for full auto guns.
Not fieldable unless as a backup mag
in a pouch.
Posted my opinion because I've some
experience with this kind of mag, I've
owned many and the kind of gun it's
meant for. You want relevant info from
people who know what their talking about?
PS: mine is still stock, no broken or worn
out parts, no leaks, 10 years old. Simply
useles for a milsim player.
Edit: PPS: Forgot to mention that cool
down was not really an issue. These
kind of mags can empty in under 3 sec.
FPS isn't very consistent, but on FA
you can law down a hail of bbs much
like an m203 shell. Using it to burst
fire will cause more cool down than
emptying the mag in one go. This kind
of play is best left to the GBB SMG's
IMO. Did I say it's also Fugly?