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Old September 17th, 2009, 10:45   #4
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: T-dot
Your location says you're in France...If you're in Canada, you can get Age Verified there's a few retailers that could probably get you VLTOR receivers, CASV sets. The only serious part you're going to have trouble with Customs on is the lower receiver. Then you'd have to custom order one through a retailer. BCG and front-sets, furniture etc. should be ok.

Originally Posted by Ninja_En_Short View Post
I'm talking in Canada of course.

I'm no newbie I know pretty well what is available on the GBBR market but I hate having plastic where it is supposed to be metal.

I ask because rather than buying an AGM or WA I plan on buying each part and then building it after I have everything I need.
Mostly because with what I have in mind there would'nt be anything from the original replica on my custom.

More precisly I have a full VLTOR CASV M4 with gas piston in mind.

PS : I know a gas piston is no use but I like that
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