Thread: Dragwindsor
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Old July 27th, 2009, 18:26   #1
GBB Whisperer
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Location: Toronto

For everybody who has had their items and/or money withheld by Dragwindsor, know that I have filed a report with, which is the RCMP's federal economic online crime reporting site.

I will be taking further steps to file with the OPP as well as his local police department for internet fraud and crimes and will be taking my case to small claims court as well.

I have tried my best to make this easy for him, including extended timelines, offering additional money to pay shipping costs to send me my goods so that it doesn't have to come out of his own pocket, to which he refused the offer.
I have left him with multiple ultimatums and timelines, all of which he has failed to meet, and he has also failed to meet his own promises and deadlines that he gave to me.

He has left me no other option.

I am recommending that everybody else who is still owed goods to file their case as well - the more people we have standing against Dragwindsor, the stronger the case will be against him, and his sentence will increase accordingly.

I will not be withdrawing any charges until ALL of my goods are in my hands OR a full refund for everything that is owed to me.

The judge involved with this case will make sure I get my money back and the police will be involved to reinforce the judgment. I've had several friends file cases through Recol, all of whom were successful in getting their money back as well as made sure that the offender will live quite miserably for the rest of their life. I do not wish to do this to another person - after all, this is just money, but until I get MY money back, I will make sure the law will put a full lean on Tony Ouelette.

Last edited by ILLusion; July 27th, 2009 at 18:30..
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