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Search: Posts Made By: JayGus
Forum: Gear Discussion September 9th, 2016, 16:59
Replies: 12
Views: 12,355
Posted By JayGus
Ive been using the same pair of merrel mid cut...

Ive been using the same pair of merrel mid cut boots for 5 years. Had them resoled twice and wont give them up. Nothing bad about them other than the waterproofing has worn off. Think i paid around...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 7th, 2016, 00:14
Replies: 18
Views: 21,747
Posted By JayGus
Fair enough. Ive done a ton too, back when I was...

Fair enough. Ive done a ton too, back when I was in the hunt for a ruck. My understanding was that they produced some milspec bags that were styled similar to the civi rucks. Something to do with low...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 2nd, 2016, 22:42
Replies: 18
Views: 21,747
Posted By JayGus
Packs are easy enough to dye if you dont like the...

Packs are easy enough to dye if you dont like the colour. But, with that being said, osprey does make neutral color packs. I see them when i head to campers village or atmosphere. Just look around....
Forum: Gear Discussion June 2nd, 2016, 21:39
Replies: 18
Views: 21,747
Posted By JayGus
Those maxpidition packs do have a suspension...

Those maxpidition packs do have a suspension system, OP. It rides along the top of the shoulder straps to pull the weight properly. In fact, that is how most packs are designed. Otherwise you would...
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 15th, 2016, 20:23
Replies: 8
Views: 10,355
Posted By JayGus
Fts mounts and red dots + GBBR =?

Seeing as Im building a second upper for my gbbr, obviously ill be curious about some "new" things.

Anyone have any experience with flip to the side magnifiers and eotechs/ red dots on gbbrs? Not...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 5th, 2016, 18:46
Replies: 0
Views: 4,855
Posted By JayGus
Maritime options?

Hey guys, im thinking about running a helmet cam thus season. Im wondering what everybody is running, and what each of you suggest. Though, id like to stay away from the gopro style camera.

Forum: Gear Discussion March 28th, 2016, 23:28
Replies: 1
Views: 5,274
Posted By JayGus
Honestly, id invest in a new helmet. Even real...

Honestly, id invest in a new helmet. Even real bump helmets need to be changed after a huge hit. Yes, this even applies to bike and ski/snowboard helmets. Back when I played, I even forced my...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 29th, 2016, 19:00
Replies: 5
Views: 6,725
Posted By JayGus
No worries, Buddy.

No worries, Buddy.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 29th, 2016, 14:11
Replies: 5
Views: 6,725
Posted By JayGus
Forum: Gear Discussion February 16th, 2016, 19:15
Replies: 1
Views: 5,736
Posted By JayGus
Maritime options?


So, im in the market for a FAST maritime as it seems to be the only one that fits my needs at the moment. As I have a large head, im stuck with looking for a L/XL as well. Seems to be that...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 15th, 2016, 16:05
Replies: 14
Views: 19,305
Posted By JayGus
Check out the Ares Armor Combat XII pack. I run...

Check out the Ares Armor Combat XII pack. I run it and love it
Forum: Gear Discussion February 1st, 2016, 21:03
Replies: 9
Views: 11,434
Posted By JayGus
Not saying that at all. Its about preference,...

Not saying that at all. Its about preference, affordability and availability. Read up on the features of each pant and read reviews on each pant. Ultimately, preference of little things make a big...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 1st, 2016, 19:14
Replies: 9
Views: 11,434
Posted By JayGus
Crye is the way to go if you have the money to...

Crye is the way to go if you have the money to spend. Propper is well made (better be considering theyve made stuff...and still do? for the marines and us army). Cant go wrong with it. My propper...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 1st, 2016, 11:44
Replies: 9
Views: 11,434
Posted By JayGus
Most legitimate companies all have multicam...

Most legitimate companies all have multicam bottoms. I have a pair of lbx, and urtactical with no issues. Propper goes well with it, as does truspec.

Stay away from repro like emerson, allwin...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 28th, 2016, 00:34
Replies: 8
Views: 10,632
Posted By JayGus
Well, thanks for the replies guys. Though,...

Well, thanks for the replies guys. Though, apparently ive missed the boat on the semapo pre orders. Ill take a look at the 5.11 though.
Im also still open to alternatives. Prefferably ones with...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 25th, 2016, 22:58
Replies: 8
Views: 10,632
Posted By JayGus
Haha thats what I thought, Josh. Fyi this is...

Haha thats what I thought, Josh. Fyi this is Dienekes off EAR (james) im sure youve seen what I put my stuff through...considering ive blown pouches that were sewn on, on a tag phalanx.

But in...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 25th, 2016, 21:32
Replies: 18
Views: 19,589
Posted By JayGus
Might I add, a survival whistle. People tend to...

Might I add, a survival whistle. People tend to get lost and/or hurt more frequently at night games. Mind you, this should be on you at all times anyway. Of anything happens, whistle blast,...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 25th, 2016, 21:04
Replies: 18
Views: 19,589
Posted By JayGus
I agree with splinter. Mags are a must for gbb....

I agree with splinter. Mags are a must for gbb. My kit expands from 6 up to 20 depending on what im doing. Yes. Thats 20 gas mags.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 25th, 2016, 18:52
Replies: 8
Views: 10,632
Posted By JayGus
Honestly, never even crossed my mind. Ill give it...

Honestly, never even crossed my mind. Ill give it a boo. Any experience with it?
Forum: Gear Discussion January 25th, 2016, 18:49
Replies: 18
Views: 19,589
Posted By JayGus
Always always always bring more gas than you...

Always always always bring more gas than you think you eed. On a typical day game, i bring 2 cans propane, minimum. I wouldnt bring too many primaries, 2 is more than enough. Bring a tool/maintenance...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 25th, 2016, 00:14
Replies: 8
Views: 10,632
Posted By JayGus
Question about semapo gear

Hey guys, seeing as ive destroyed my massif shirt last year, ive been digging around for a new combat shirt. Im partial to the semapo gear one, but I cant seem to find anything stating wether or not...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 23rd, 2016, 01:19
Replies: 22
Views: 23,657
Posted By JayGus
Ill completely agree with w1lp33 and building on...

Ill completely agree with w1lp33 and building on what he said, a multibag system is the way to go. No one pack will suffice for everything. For example Mcguyver has 5 listed he moves between. I have...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 23rd, 2016, 01:00
Replies: 22
Views: 23,657
Posted By JayGus
The 24 is not super heavy. Its just noticibly...

The 24 is not super heavy. Its just noticibly heavy for a shoulderbag. Of youre looking for a field pack that can accommodate the needs of 2 people, it will work. Though, youre probably better off...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 23rd, 2016, 00:18
Replies: 22
Views: 23,657
Posted By JayGus
I used a 5.11 24 while backpacking in guatemala...

I used a 5.11 24 while backpacking in guatemala for 2 months. Use it every day to and from work and or uni. For airsoft as well. Great bag. I love the orginizational pockets within the main...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 16th, 2016, 14:00
Replies: 12
Views: 14,397
Posted By JayGus
Then tell us so that we can help. Being vague...

Then tell us so that we can help. Being vague makes it hard for us to give you a hand, the more descriptive you are, the better.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 13th, 2016, 21:01
Replies: 20
Views: 38,870
Posted By JayGus
Not to threadjack, but if one has a mil quality...

Not to threadjack, but if one has a mil quality ptt, can they not just cut off the end (icom, 6pin, etc) and splice/put on a new one (kenwood, single pin, etc...)? Or would thins still need the ptt...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 9th, 2016, 19:21
Replies: 12
Views: 14,397
Posted By JayGus
This. The carrier itself is not designed to...


The carrier itself is not designed to carry anything, actually. Its for under clothing, ie dress shirts, polo-tshirts, jackets...etc. If it MUST carry a load, then yes, that HS rig would...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 5th, 2016, 20:20
Replies: 9
Views: 12,445
Posted By JayGus
Thanks for the insight guys, I appreciate it. I...

Thanks for the insight guys, I appreciate it. I will say that its from a third party dealer who sells mil surplus, thus my asking. I mean, I could aways use a broker that ships from a po box. But...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 4th, 2016, 22:22
Replies: 9
Views: 12,445
Posted By JayGus
Just followed the link, those are...

Just followed the link, those are non-communication headsets. Comtac 3s that are comm compatible are 650+ from that same site. The set im looking at down south is comm compatible and half that price,...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 4th, 2016, 19:01
Replies: 9
Views: 12,445
Posted By JayGus
Comtacs and ITAR

Hey, just wondering if anybody knows if Comtac IIIs are itar restricted. Ive gone through the itar restrictions and cant really make sense of them regarding this. Furthermore, I cannot find any info...
Forum: Reviews March 16th, 2015, 00:23
Replies: 18
Views: 25,384
Posted By JayGus
Mhm..and if you don't have fancy comtacs or...

Mhm..and if you don't have fancy comtacs or sordins..."Malp"
Forum: Gear Discussion August 17th, 2013, 04:46
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Well, went with the 24, mainly due to the fact i...

Well, went with the 24, mainly due to the fact i can use it on long sims back home. Here in guate its been amazing and id recommend it to anybody. It compresses nice, has a 3 liter hydro capacity,...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 27th, 2013, 15:06
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Well, like i said earlier, its just for dayhikes...

Well, like i said earlier, its just for dayhikes and bumming around town. I have an osprey 70 for carrying all my gear. Id like to be able to drop that at camp and pick up a smaller pack when i can....
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2013, 23:29
Replies: 9
Views: 8,143
Posted By JayGus
Look at the JT stuff, used to run those for a...

Look at the JT stuff, used to run those for a bit, they worked quite well. Eventually upgraded to the Sly Profit mask, and never looked back those are my #1 recomendation to anybody willing to spend...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2013, 21:36
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Haha, guess the debate now is between the Rush 12...

Haha, guess the debate now is between the Rush 12 or the operator pack, assuming i gan get it locally up here in Edmonton.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2013, 18:16
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Well, considering im needing it for day hikes in...

Well, considering im needing it for day hikes in Guatemala, then after those 6 weeks are done itll be my tac-pack, it sounds like the Rush 12 may be a decent choice then?
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2013, 17:38
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Ive looked at that one as well Paradox, i believe...

Ive looked at that one as well Paradox, i believe the turnoff was that i dont think it would make it to me in time. It is a great little pack from what i hear and read though. Might pick it up...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2013, 17:09
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Thats what im thinking too, but i do like the...

Thats what im thinking too, but i do like the quick and easy access of it, which is the only reason its in there haha.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 26th, 2013, 15:37
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
So, after some igging around The top two...

So, after some igging around The top two candidates are the Rush MOAB 10, and the Rush 12. Both packs are made by 5.11 so are of good quality. If anybody has any experiences please post em up, as...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 29th, 2013, 15:59
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Thanks for the quick replies folks. Skeletor, ill...

Thanks for the quick replies folks. Skeletor, ill check em out right quick here (figured a straight up "daypack thread" would yield better results)
Forum: Gear Discussion May 29th, 2013, 15:11
Replies: 18
Views: 14,097
Posted By JayGus
Daypack w/hydro?

Anybody know of a decent daypack with hydration capabilities? In need of one for day hikes when i hit the ground in Guatemala this summer. Pricetag is open, but prefferably around the 50-75$ range,...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 14th, 2013, 21:20
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Shipping wise, all i can say is holy fack! I...

Shipping wise, all i can say is holy fack! I placed my order on the 10th and i got word of it shipping in less than 24hrs. 3 days later it lands in vancouver and the same day is shipped out with...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 14th, 2013, 19:56
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Well, first off, sorry for taking ages to reply...

Well, first off, sorry for taking ages to reply to the thread.
I actually went with the UR-Tactical fast response pants in Multicam. From my understanding, its legit Crye MC. They should be in my...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 22:32
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
so, in the end, is it worth it to pick up the...

so, in the end, is it worth it to pick up the Emersons and "mod" them by reinforcing the stitching?

and if you dont mind me asking, how do the colors hold up (fading/no fading etc...?
so, after...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 13:14
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Hm. Im gunna look them up right now. Thanks for...

Hm. Im gunna look them up right now. Thanks for the lead.
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 13:03
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Lupo, which brand are you referring to? The...

Lupo, which brand are you referring to? The tru-spec or the allwins?
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 11:38
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Hmm, so it starting to sound like i should go...

Hmm, so it starting to sound like i should go with the allwin set or put together one with tru-spec.

Only downer about that is the emerson cut of pants that i have linked are perfect for the...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 10:03
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Hm, thanks for the input hot_shot, thats exactly...

Hm, thanks for the input hot_shot, thats exactly what i wanted to know. I could probably streach for the allwins but ill keep searching. Anybody know if the above pant cut ive posted is made by...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 28th, 2013, 01:22
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Any reason to support that?

Any reason to support that?
Forum: Gear Discussion April 27th, 2013, 23:58
Replies: 21
Views: 14,866
Posted By JayGus
Emerson multicam?

Anyone have any experience with emerson gear? Specifically their multicam?

This is what im lookin at specifically:
Showing results 1 to 50 of 52

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