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Search: Posts Made By: Juke16
Forum: General January 9th, 2020, 13:20
Replies: 46
Views: 77,212
Posted By Juke16
Regarding the declining quality of players, one...

Regarding the declining quality of players, one of the things that turns me off from playing is that it seems like there's always an argument between players every time I go out. Has anyone else...
Forum: Newbie Tank June 17th, 2019, 11:49
Replies: 53
Views: 76,218
Posted By Juke16
Whatever happened to the time honoured suggestion...

Whatever happened to the time honoured suggestion of buying a Systema? :P
Forum: General March 6th, 2017, 09:59
Replies: 5
Views: 10,088
Posted By Juke16
The Taiwanese have already released an airsoft...

The Taiwanese have already released an airsoft movie before everyone else lol
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 4th, 2016, 03:32
Replies: 18
Views: 15,735
Posted By Juke16
Might as well just get a GBB, when ARES tried to...

Might as well just get a GBB, when ARES tried to pull off the battery in magazine system for their M3, it failed hard.
Forum: General July 31st, 2016, 17:33
Replies: 226
Views: 677,296
Posted By Juke16
Ah this is the type of thread I miss, personal...

Ah this is the type of thread I miss, personal opinion is that airsoft was definitely better when it was harder to get into and everyone knew each other. Too much drama and what not nowadays.

Forum: Reviews January 24th, 2016, 23:11
Replies: 21
Views: 32,020
Posted By Juke16
Here's an in-depth review if anyone wants one,...

Here's an in-depth review if anyone wants one, really good video I think.
Forum: Newbie Tank December 10th, 2015, 15:18
Replies: 12
Views: 12,314
Posted By Juke16
Just use a M4 mag pouch, you can fit three MP5...

Just use a M4 mag pouch, you can fit three MP5 mags to one pouch.
Forum: Newbie Tank September 29th, 2015, 17:21
Replies: 6
Views: 9,376
Posted By Juke16
Unless you want an AK105, go with a CM048 series...

Unless you want an AK105, go with a CM048 series AKM or AK74. They've got steel recievers and real wood furniture. You want an AK105, try to track down a Dboys RK06S model. I suggest you go find more...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 25th, 2015, 08:38
Replies: 7
Views: 9,266
Posted By Juke16
We p90

Seems like it's actually coming out. Got these pictures from a Hong Kong forum....
Forum: Newbie Tank September 24th, 2015, 16:07
Replies: 19
Views: 17,390
Posted By Juke16
Realsword includes oil for you to regularly oil...

Realsword includes oil for you to regularly oil your steel parts. As well, metallurgy for Realswords seems to be better than E&Ls as I'm guessing the humid and salty air in Hong Kong aided in...
Forum: Newbie Tank September 24th, 2015, 11:24
Replies: 19
Views: 17,390
Posted By Juke16
If your budget is in the $450 area, LCT or Real...

If your budget is in the $450 area, LCT or Real Sword all the way. If you want a specific AK variant, buy from LCT, if you don't mind the Type 56/AKM look, go Real Sword.

LCT has extremely good...
Forum: Newbie Tank September 24th, 2015, 10:58
Replies: 13
Views: 20,081
Posted By Juke16
Why not just add on $30 and buy a full metal King...

Why not just add on $30 and buy a full metal King Arms, or as Gato and many others stated, save up for something better. The G&G Combat Machines are cheap, but have plastic bodies and dubious...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 5th, 2015, 12:02
Replies: 13
Views: 11,009
Posted By Juke16
KJ Works is probably the worst choice, easy to...

KJ Works is probably the worst choice, easy to break and not very pleasing to shoot. In fact, these rifles are so unpopular in Hong Kong that you can get one for about $30 CAD.
Forum: Newbie Tank July 27th, 2015, 20:39
Replies: 39
Views: 27,168
Posted By Juke16
^That too, I absolutely would not buy anything...

^That too, I absolutely would not buy anything used from people I don't know, especially not for most of the prices that people are trying to sell their stuff off at. Most people have VERY heavy wear...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 27th, 2015, 20:31
Replies: 39
Views: 27,168
Posted By Juke16
I wouldn't say it's a bad gun, but it definitely...

I wouldn't say it's a bad gun, but it definitely isn't the best for the price of $400 by far, you can definitely buy a VFC with that sum of money.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 27th, 2015, 20:18
Replies: 5
Views: 5,171
Posted By Juke16
Classic Army MP5s are not bad, but if you really...

Classic Army MP5s are not bad, but if you really want to cheap out, I can attest to the fact that CYMA makes decent metal MP5s for a good price with a very reliable gearbox that can handle winter...
Forum: Newbie Tank July 27th, 2015, 20:09
Replies: 39
Views: 27,168
Posted By Juke16
G&G is trash because it's got a plastic body with...

G&G is trash because it's got a plastic body with proprietary dimensions along with a gearbox which also has some proprietary dimensions that is neither robust, nor dependable in harsh conditions.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 4th, 2015, 07:06
Replies: 16
Views: 13,284
Posted By Juke16
You'd only have to replace the slide with a metal...

You'd only have to replace the slide with a metal one, put all the parts from your old slide into your new one, and possibly get other parts to improve compatibility between slide and your current...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 3rd, 2015, 22:09
Replies: 16
Views: 13,284
Posted By Juke16
From what I've read on VFC GBBs, they make nice...

From what I've read on VFC GBBs, they make nice paperweights. As for the TM... I'll just repost a video from another post:

This guy's also got videos on...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 1st, 2015, 10:55
Replies: 8
Views: 7,580
Posted By Juke16
I was thinking about buying one a while back and...

I was thinking about buying one a while back and found this review pretty helpful, long watch but useful.
Forum: General June 18th, 2015, 21:17
Replies: 9
Views: 10,835
Posted By Juke16
Meh their sound simulator sounds like a diesel...

Meh their sound simulator sounds like a diesel engine and it's probably not the smartest idea to put a possible ignition source on the barrel of your GBBR.
Forum: Newbie Tank June 15th, 2015, 12:24
Replies: 16
Views: 16,040
Posted By Juke16
If you want something for target practice, just...

If you want something for target practice, just get a Lancer Tactical for $110'ish, it shouldn't break on you.

As for Ares, it seems like they've improved the quality of their parts now from what...
Forum: Newbie Tank June 10th, 2015, 10:24
Replies: 19
Views: 17,439
Posted By Juke16
Like someone else said, at the range you...

Like someone else said, at the range you generally don't get shot at. Without a full seal there is always the possibility of someone shooting you at just the right angle to slip under your eye pro...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 5th, 2015, 19:27
Replies: 31
Views: 27,788
Posted By Juke16
Well if you're desperate enough, there's Bunny...

Well if you're desperate enough, there's Bunny Workshop.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 5th, 2015, 10:16
Replies: 16
Views: 15,903
Posted By Juke16
Yes but they can't sell to the general public if...

Yes but they can't sell to the general public if they import with a BFL. It's for this reason that 007 Airsoft has (or perhaps used to, not sure what the current site is like) marked "Not for...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 14th, 2015, 21:04
Replies: 41
Views: 49,353
Posted By Juke16
Seems like they even have the Canadian version...

Seems like they even have the Canadian version ready lmao.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 13th, 2015, 10:47
Replies: 35
Views: 20,844
Posted By Juke16
There's at least King Arms if you're on a budget,...

There's at least King Arms if you're on a budget, full metal, decent externals, and decent overall quality for a good price. Very popular in Hong Kong for upgrading.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 16th, 2015, 10:37
Replies: 5
Views: 6,660
Posted By Juke16
The concept seems better than the current digital...

The concept seems better than the current digital patterns in my opinion. The main problem I see with the current digital camouflage patters is that they're pixelated in rectangles and end up having...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 15th, 2015, 23:42
Replies: 5
Views: 6,660
Posted By Juke16

Saw this video from another forum, has anyone heard of this before?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 18th, 2014, 19:22
Replies: 3
Views: 5,597
Posted By Juke16
Either JG or D-BOYS if you judge by how the...

Either JG or D-BOYS if you judge by how the markings are done, I'm betting on D-BOYS.
Forum: General December 3rd, 2014, 00:11
Replies: 29
Views: 22,108
Posted By Juke16
+1 for specials on weekdays, I know many people...

+1 for specials on weekdays, I know many people who are interested in trying out airsoft, but can't afford to pay $50+ just to play once, especially when paintball is much, much cheaper (granted they...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 1st, 2014, 15:17
Replies: 0
Views: 3,008
Posted By Juke16
FN FNX Review

Found a really good review for the FN FNX pistol off of another page, I want it really badly now... :banghead:
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 25th, 2014, 22:27
Replies: 17
Views: 12,511
Posted By Juke16
WE, for all intents and purposes, VFC stuff is...

WE, for all intents and purposes, VFC stuff is broken. While VFC might have nicer externals, most of the stuff I've seen and heard about them has been negative. If you don't mind waiting, there's...
Forum: General October 2nd, 2014, 14:37
Replies: 16
Views: 12,049
Posted By Juke16
Don't forget about the ammo shortages, start...

Don't forget about the ammo shortages, start hoarding those bbs now!
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 2nd, 2014, 11:22
Replies: 52
Views: 30,796
Posted By Juke16
That's just the gun from Half Life 2. :D

That's just the gun from Half Life 2. :D
Forum: Airsoft Media October 1st, 2014, 20:37
Replies: 208
Views: 1,143,895
Posted By Juke16
I found a channel with some really in depth...

I found a channel with some really in depth pistol and pistol upgrade reviews. It's the only channel I've seen where the guy seems to have experimented a lot and explains small problems with...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion September 29th, 2014, 16:31
Replies: 4
Views: 5,906
Posted By Juke16
In case anyone's wondering what the M&P's like, I...

In case anyone's wondering what the M&P's like, I found a pretty good review online:
Forum: General July 30th, 2014, 21:54
Replies: 30
Views: 15,973
Posted By Juke16
Hey what do you guys think about this? ...

Hey what do you guys think about this?
Forum: Newbie Tank July 20th, 2014, 19:54
Replies: 39
Views: 25,090
Posted By Juke16
There's all sorts of webbing you can use,...

There's all sorts of webbing you can use, honestly, the best thing to do is to just look through pictures of soldiers from any time period. Find something you like the look of and buy it.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications June 30th, 2014, 03:01
Replies: 6
Views: 6,105
Posted By Juke16
You can dremel out parts of the magwell to use...

You can dremel out parts of the magwell to use normal mags.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 3rd, 2014, 11:51
Replies: 2
Views: 3,677
Posted By Juke16
G&P Recoil AEG

Seems like G&P just released a recoil AEG that's already in stock at Redwolf. Pretty strange considering that these new products are usually well advertised before release, but there hasn't been any...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion May 30th, 2014, 17:01
Replies: 312
Views: 306,541
Posted By Juke16
You guys hear about these parts yet? They're M4...

You guys hear about these parts yet? They're M4 stocks for the 870s.
Forum: Newbie Tank May 26th, 2014, 20:10
Replies: 41
Views: 25,199
Posted By Juke16
If you're going to go for an AK, take a pick...

If you're going to go for an AK, take a pick between the full steel Dboys AK74s and the CYMA steel CM-048 series. Both of them have similiar prices and steel receivers. Where they differ is how much...
Forum: General February 21st, 2014, 22:34
Replies: 14
Views: 10,985
Posted By Juke16
The cadet movement has been extremely watered...

The cadet movement has been extremely watered down, firearms familiarization is no longer a staple of the programs and is usually limited to shooting about once a year unless you get into the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 2nd, 2013, 00:10
Replies: 23
Views: 15,839
Posted By Juke16
Well Real Sword does make the Type 97.

Well Real Sword does make the Type 97.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 25th, 2013, 19:04
Replies: 7
Views: 7,876
Posted By Juke16
Echo 1 RPKs are CYMA RPKs which only have a steel...

Echo 1 RPKs are CYMA RPKs which only have a steel body; everything else is pot metal. This thread on Red Alliance should have some useful information for you....
Forum: Newbie Tank November 13th, 2013, 17:14
Replies: 6
Views: 6,244
Posted By Juke16
Just go to Sayal Electronics, that's where I got...

Just go to Sayal Electronics, that's where I got my adapter for cheap.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications November 12th, 2013, 14:45
Replies: 10
Views: 8,670
Posted By Juke16
Sell the two rifles and get a better one? jk jk ...

Sell the two rifles and get a better one? jk jk
Do you want to upgrade both rifles or use both to build one?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 5th, 2013, 17:06
Replies: 15
Views: 14,283
Posted By Juke16
Galaxy dimensions are slightly off spec of TM...

Galaxy dimensions are slightly off spec of TM dimensions, you should just get a CYMA MP5K, much cheaper that way and less painful than swapping bodies. CYMA V3 gear boxes are nearly indestructible as...
Forum: Newbie Tank October 21st, 2013, 19:13
Replies: 16
Views: 13,570
Posted By Juke16
I thought that FAL was an SA58.

I thought that FAL was an SA58.
Showing results 1 to 50 of 200

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