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Search: Posts Made By: Cortex
Forum: Newbie Tank January 4th, 2022, 14:41
Replies: 2
Views: 9,015
Posted By Cortex
just host your photos somewhere like imgur and...

just host your photos somewhere like imgur and then link them here by copying the "BBCode" link that imgur will generate for you.

It should look like: or similar....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 4th, 2022, 12:40
Replies: 17
Views: 11,031
Posted By Cortex
Thanks for the replies everyone! Basically...

Thanks for the replies everyone! Basically confirms what I was thinking.

Seems like those that were able to try them out in the past generally stick with them due to the reliability and...
Forum: Gear Discussion November 22nd, 2021, 05:16
Replies: 2
Views: 33,456
Posted By Cortex
Get Kurmaz Gear. I've got a half dozen sets from...

Get Kurmaz Gear. I've got a half dozen sets from him and shipping has always been reasonably priced from the Ukraine where he is based. Shipping duration can be annoying, but... Good things come to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 22nd, 2021, 05:07
Replies: 17
Views: 11,031
Posted By Cortex
Systema PTW Users - Past and Present

I've got a question for the community. Please answer the poll and a few questions below!

I'm trying to gauge how popular the Systema PTW platform is currently in Canada, and how the platform has...
Forum: General April 24th, 2020, 22:44
Replies: 12
Views: 13,464
Posted By Cortex
Still going on. Also haven't received email...

Still going on.

Also haven't received email notifications of new private messages recently.
Forum: Gear Discussion December 8th, 2018, 06:12
Replies: 24
Views: 41,901
Posted By Cortex
Would rather support GSCI as a Canadian company...

Would rather support GSCI as a Canadian company myself. They'll build units to the same specs as ACT.
Forum: Airsoft Media September 24th, 2018, 16:19
Replies: 97
Views: 416,588
Posted By Cortex
Colt Canada IUR build I did (grip tape version is...

Colt Canada IUR build I did (grip tape version is the PTW, other is my real build):
Forum: General September 24th, 2018, 15:57
Replies: 13
Views: 16,048
Posted By Cortex
I'm really liking the Swedish M90 and M90K...

I'm really liking the Swedish M90 and M90K patterns now.
Forum: General July 12th, 2018, 00:29
Replies: 1
Views: 6,305
Posted By Cortex
Looks awesome, I don't see an option to buy the...

Looks awesome, I don't see an option to buy the 30mm version and then add a 50mm lens from your website though. Is it because the 50mm lens isn't available as a stand alone product yet?

Forum: General July 12th, 2018, 00:22
Replies: 20
Views: 24,687
Posted By Cortex
Personally, I've been hit by them indoors and...

Personally, I've been hit by them indoors and outdoors, from close and long range. They shoot a lot of BBs at a relatively low velocity. It doesn't hurt.

I have no problem with them, and have...
Forum: Gear Discussion December 29th, 2016, 14:42
Replies: 680
Views: 2,060,954
Posted By Cortex
Just got this LBT 6094-SRT in Ranger Green, so...

Just got this LBT 6094-SRT in Ranger Green, so still working on outfitting it with stuff.

Compared to my...
Forum: Airsoft Media December 18th, 2016, 06:35
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Why not? An airsoft suppressor on a real gun...

Why not? An airsoft suppressor on a real gun won't do anything, and is therefore perfectly legal. If it'll stand up to the stresses of 5.56 exiting the barrel you could even shoot with it on there to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 30th, 2016, 23:19
Replies: 9
Views: 9,673
Posted By Cortex
Reliable CO2 Sidearm

What should I be looking for when it comes to a reliable CO2 airsoft sidearm these days? Last time I seriously looked into the airsoft sidearms was about 5 years ago, and everything I tried with...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications October 30th, 2016, 23:11
Replies: 6
Views: 9,014
Posted By Cortex
The real Team Wendy liners are awesome, the EPIC...

The real Team Wendy liners are awesome, the EPIC Air is well over $100 CAD most places, but you should be able to hunt around and find the regular EPIC for less than $100.
Forum: Airsoft Media September 26th, 2016, 01:17
Replies: 28
Views: 51,659
Posted By Cortex
Pics are dead.

Pics are dead.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 18th, 2016, 01:22
Replies: 4
Views: 7,654
Posted By Cortex
Not sure if it works for the airsoft Tavor's, but...

Not sure if it works for the airsoft Tavor's, but the Gear Head Works FLEX works fantastic with a QD single-point sling:
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 15th, 2016, 23:52
Replies: 2
Views: 7,586
Posted By Cortex
Similar concept, but as you can see in the video,...

Similar concept, but as you can see in the video, we take a different approach on multiple aspects of the modification.

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 15th, 2016, 12:09
Replies: 2
Views: 7,586
Posted By Cortex
Magpul PMAG Conversion for Systema PTW

Hey everyone,

I'd love to share a video tutorial I created on converting real Magpul PMAGs to work with the Systema PTW platform. Specifically fitting PTW magazine internals and getting the right...
Forum: Gear Discussion November 8th, 2013, 23:17
Replies: 34
Views: 24,722
Posted By Cortex
I have some Emerson Replica Crye Precision Combat...

I have some Emerson Replica Crye Precision Combat Pants AC (version 1, Multicam) that came with some replica pads. I also have some real Crye Precision Combat Pants AC (version 2, Khaki), some G3...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 29th, 2013, 22:28
Replies: 18
Views: 17,498
Posted By Cortex
Tutorial? Are you just dropping a camo...


Are you just dropping a camo palette over the guns, masking the areas you want the camo to apply to, and using one of the overlay modes? That's how I've done it in the past but it didn't...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 29th, 2013, 22:00
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
They were OOS when I was looking, got this rail...

They were OOS when I was looking, got this rail months ago at this point, towards beginning of the year. I'm happy with this one now that I have it!
Forum: Airsoft Media October 28th, 2013, 23:51
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
I can't even find a website for them to compare,...

I can't even find a website for them to compare, only going by the "Evolution" rail that I can see on some retailers site. If there's a quad-rail version then yeah it's pretty much the same thing and...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 28th, 2013, 02:25
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
It is very similar now that I look at it! The...

It is very similar now that I look at it! The Dytac one I got has the side-rails built in though, not removable. I actually prefer that, looks a lot nicer that these smooth-sided systems designed to...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 28th, 2013, 01:39
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Dytac Invader, not a real rail... Would of...

Dytac Invader, not a real rail... Would of preferred a 11" - 12" DD or Noveske but they were out of stock everywhere. I really liked the triangular look of the vents on this one as well.
Forum: Airsoft Media October 27th, 2013, 20:50
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex ...
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 13th, 2013, 18:21
Replies: 13
Views: 10,874
Posted By Cortex
I'm likely gonna order a Puxing 777 as well, and...

I'm likely gonna order a Puxing 777 as well, and setting up low/high power channels sounds like a great idea. Easy to stay on low, also easy to switch to high if needed.

Thanks for that suggestion!
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 13th, 2013, 00:52
Replies: 13
Views: 10,874
Posted By Cortex
If you're on a sub-channel do you hear everyone...

If you're on a sub-channel do you hear everyone on the main channel as well?

Ex: On channel 22-1 do I actually hear 22-0 and 22-1, but only transmit to 22-1?

Edit: Ninja'd by Drake. Thanks...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 11th, 2013, 19:58
Replies: 241
Views: 156,712
Posted By Cortex
I carry 8+1 rifle mags and 2+1 pistol mags for...

I carry 8+1 rifle mags and 2+1 pistol mags for outdoor, sometimes I drop it down to 6+1.
Forum: Airsoft Media March 11th, 2013, 17:37
Replies: 264
Views: 559,029
Posted By Cortex
The SCAR CASV is a real accessory, not a custom...

The SCAR CASV is a real accessory, not a custom fitting.

Edit - Here are some photos of my SCAR, newest ones I've taken:

Forum: Reviews March 10th, 2013, 04:53
Replies: 66
Views: 98,384
Posted By Cortex
So here's what I'm thinking... The fake bolt...

So here's what I'm thinking...

The fake bolt has removable ambidextrous charging handles. Take one off, drill a couple of holes in the body and install a side rail. Install PEQ battery box and...
Forum: Newbie Tank March 9th, 2013, 19:10
Replies: 24
Views: 18,039
Posted By Cortex
The $109.95 and higher FAST helmets that...

The $109.95 and higher FAST helmets that has in stock not only look awesome but they also hold up to some pretty decent impacts. I've slipped and fallen on my back so hard that I...
Forum: Airsoft Media March 9th, 2013, 05:09
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Yeah I actually realized that I should probably...

Yeah I actually realized that I should probably grab some back-up sights for that optic, the battery life isn't great and I've had it die at a few games. Ordered some DE Magpul MBUS, as well as a...
Forum: Airsoft Media March 8th, 2013, 23:58
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Fixed some broken alignment issues and took a...

Fixed some broken alignment issues and took a proper picture:
Forum: Airsoft Media March 7th, 2013, 01:47
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Got my 12" Invader rail in: ...

Got my 12" Invader rail in:
Forum: Reviews March 4th, 2013, 23:28
Replies: 66
Views: 98,384
Posted By Cortex
When it comes to space in the pistol grip, what...

When it comes to space in the pistol grip, what is preventing you from cutting out a hole into the innards of the gun to fit a longer battery? What is preventing a custom-sized battery from a hobby...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion March 3rd, 2013, 19:28
Replies: 4
Views: 6,747
Posted By Cortex
+1 for just switching the connectors to one...

+1 for just switching the connectors to one standard set. Go to your local hobby store or order a pack of deans connectors online. Takes 2 minutes to solder a connector onto a battery or gun.

Forum: Gear Discussion February 26th, 2013, 02:31
Replies: 55
Views: 31,482
Posted By Cortex
I prefer to stay on the field with a buddy or two...

I prefer to stay on the field with a buddy or two during any intervals. I like to keep anything I may need to keep my guns running for about 8 hours with me, meaning that I usually have a lot of...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 25th, 2013, 08:05
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Got the TD covers in: ...

Got the TD covers in:

Now I just need a 12" rail.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 14th, 2013, 04:05
Replies: 16
Views: 15,215
Posted By Cortex
No it's not, at least not anymore. You just need...

No it's not, at least not anymore. You just need to tell the retailer to include the appropriate documentation proving that the gun meets importation requirements. Airsoft GI actually does this by...
Forum: Airsoft Media February 11th, 2013, 23:48
Replies: 1,693
Views: 2,637,743
Posted By Cortex
Some Tango Down rail covers and a 12" quad rail...

Some Tango Down rail covers and a 12" quad rail for the front still to come... Probably gonna change up the optic for something else as well.
Forum: General February 11th, 2013, 23:19
Replies: 25
Views: 12,754
Posted By Cortex
Yeah I hope this isn't an idea for a game-able...

Yeah I hope this isn't an idea for a game-able UAV. I wouldn't attend a game with some kind of armed UAV was at that I couldn't fire back at.

If you're a multi-rotor enthusiast and you have the...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 11th, 2013, 23:06
Replies: 3
Views: 19,222
Posted By Cortex
Haha, Dodge Rams in the background even during a...

Haha, Dodge Rams in the background even during a Military exercise.

Welcome to Alberta.
Forum: How To February 9th, 2013, 00:58
Replies: 0
Views: 23,600
Posted By Cortex
CTR Stock Disassembly Video

Made this to show how to disassemble a CTR stock, I believe it's the same on a real one, and all the airsoft clones as well. Also details how I fixed my stock so that it locked into place on my...
Forum: General February 6th, 2013, 05:23
Replies: 67
Views: 39,030
Posted By Cortex
Just use this: ...

Just use this:
Forum: General February 2nd, 2013, 16:13
Replies: 3
Views: 5,094
Posted By Cortex
Who takes over the shipping once it's in Canada?...

Who takes over the shipping once it's in Canada? Canada Post?

Edit:Ninja'd, OK thanks for the info! I'll probably just go regular post since Canada Post and I don't have great histories with any...
Forum: General February 2nd, 2013, 04:43
Replies: 3
Views: 5,094
Posted By Cortex
Import costs from ehobbyasia?

Hey all, just wondering what ehobbyasia ships with to Canada? UPS? I was thinking of ordering the following Noveske rail:...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 6th, 2013, 15:55
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,974,143
Posted By Cortex
That looks painful... ;)

That looks painful... ;)
Forum: Gear Discussion January 4th, 2013, 02:29
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,974,143
Posted By Cortex
Gosh those airframe covers are nice!! I was...

Gosh those airframe covers are nice!! I was thinking of getting one of the FirstSpear covers ( for my lid when I want to go full...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 3rd, 2013, 20:48
Replies: 1,150
Sticky: Helmet Gallery
Views: 2,974,143
Posted By Cortex
Added some Krylon Fusion-Camouflage Brown, with a...

Added some Krylon Fusion-Camouflage Brown, with a sprinkling of Khaki over top:

iPhone camera is bad, I'll probably get some shots with the DSLR when I get unlazy.
Forum: Airsoft Media December 31st, 2012, 22:39
Replies: 44
Views: 38,749
Posted By Cortex
Nope, unless you have them cached from before it...

Nope, unless you have them cached from before it just says "Sorry. This person moved or deleted this image."
Showing results 1 to 50 of 345

Airsoft Canada

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