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Search: Posts Made By: siglynn
Forum: Canadian June 11th, 2014, 08:43
Replies: 6
Views: 28,498
Posted By siglynn
Yes it is a Drop Zone waterproof jacket. The were...

Yes it is a Drop Zone waterproof jacket. The were a pers buy. They were a lot better than the issued jacket. They cost a lot but worked very well. To have more Velcro we use liqued sew and glue on a...
Forum: General April 8th, 2014, 08:43
Replies: 8
Views: 8,656
Posted By siglynn
The JTF is more secret unit in the CF. CSOR is a...

The JTF is more secret unit in the CF. CSOR is a replacement unit for the SSF. The concept is CSOR is like the US Rangers a unit that can be deployed very fast but add the ability to go and train...
Forum: Canadian December 21st, 2013, 21:48
Replies: 399
Views: 1,193,279
Posted By siglynn
There is a flap pocket on the front and one in...

There is a flap pocket on the front and one in the back of the large one that would hold plates, most times we would put them in our frag vest and throw this over top. It is a piece of shit was part...
Forum: Canadian May 2nd, 2013, 02:59
Replies: 43
Views: 109,837
Posted By siglynn
Was issued the c2 and the useless bra during...

Was issued the c2 and the useless bra during basic and was the last course to do the c5 and also test the 50cals during the testing fase in pet what a crazy place that was but would not change it for...
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand April 9th, 2013, 00:23
Replies: 234
Views: 561,516
Posted By siglynn
What I would like to know what are the fps...

What I would like to know what are the fps ratings on the FCC cyclenders and who has the better hop up FCC or DT. I would be greatful for the info also who is a FCC dealer here because would like to...
Forum: Gear Discussion June 30th, 2009, 20:12
Replies: 1
Views: 3,514
Posted By siglynn
GP 68 vs LT 6288

I am looking at getting a new radio and am have some tec info problems, are both radios run the same range with just diffent manufactures or they compltey diffent.

If someone can help me that ...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 6th, 2009, 12:41
Replies: 10
Views: 10,230
Posted By siglynn
Stick to the old tan's, the new ones guys are...

Stick to the old tan's, the new ones guys are finding they are falling a part as they are a two pice boot(inner liner and the outer). The only thing with the onld boots is the sole is hard. If you...
Forum: General January 14th, 2008, 23:30
Replies: 12
Views: 11,141
Posted By siglynn
looking for a full metal version.

looking for a full metal version.
Forum: General January 14th, 2008, 23:08
Replies: 12
Views: 11,141
Posted By siglynn
CO2 Pistols

I am looking for a place where I can buy CO2 pistols. Dose any one know who carreies them and what the cost would be. Looking for a M9 Breatta or USP type.

Thank you
Forum: Doctor's Corner June 10th, 2007, 13:26
Replies: 3
Views: 4,972
Posted By siglynn
Kings Arms M14 Mag Problems

I have an M14, and recently purchased a package of Kings Arms Mags. Went to use it last night, and they wouldn't work. From the site that I purchased them from, it says that it might require "Minor...
Forum: Canadian October 13th, 2006, 21:27
Replies: 27
Views: 43,478
Posted By siglynn
They are not going to make any winter cadpat,...

They are not going to make any winter cadpat, what is the use anyway use white pants and a od top in the bush or add the white jacket in the open. It was never part of CTS at anytime. New boots and...
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

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