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fuyutime2 January 1st, 2010 14:47

Gun Combo
What do you think is a good combo for guns.
i think:

Pistol: G18
Main: Scar-L
Secondary: Skorpion

Amos January 1st, 2010 15:08

I think a better combo would be;

Main: Scar-L
Secondary: More mags
Pistol?: More mags

Deaf_shooter January 1st, 2010 15:26

well, you don't need 3 guns, but it is nice to have back up gun in case your main gun fuck up.

L473ncy January 1st, 2010 15:31

You mean IRL or airsoft? In airsoft, whatever works.

I'd like to go out with this though:

VSS Vintorez (Loved that gun ever since I started playing Army Ops (Yes I played when it was still called Army Ops but haven't played since AA 3.0 came out))
MP5K/Mac10/Uzi, basically any easily concealable, easily wieldable "machine pistol" in case SHTF.
Lots of mags for the rifle and machine pistol in the place of a pistol.

EDIT: My airsoft setup is:

M4 (main)
Pistol (secondary)

I have another backup pistol in case something happens but I don't have a second primary though; which is something I'm looking at purchasing in the near future and will probably be a cheapo clone that I can do some work on and hopefully works if I ever need it.

fuyutime2 January 1st, 2010 15:37

i was thinking an electrc G18. actually i thought this would be a good one:
followed by something like a SCAR or G36 or sumthing in the like.

Striker666 January 1st, 2010 15:53

A pistol is nice, but you don't really need one just starting out. I have to agree with Amos and say go for more primary mags.

fuyutime2 January 1st, 2010 16:09

i guess i can always use my walmart springer........... from 4 years ago -_-

Amos January 1st, 2010 16:18

Or not bother to carry the excess weight and bulk and carry mags instead.

If you have a primary worth its salt it shouldn't be breaking down on you every game.

fuyutime2 January 1st, 2010 16:29

but you have to think ahead. eventually stuff needs replacing and things will break. ad if your in a game when that happens...... your going to need a backup or something to use.

Diabolic Tyrant January 1st, 2010 16:41


Originally Posted by fuyutime2 (Post 1133776)
but you have to think ahead. eventually stuff needs replacing and things will break. ad if your in a game when that happens...... your going to need a backup or something to use.

People rarely ever use their sidearms. Follow what Amos said and just wait to get a sidearm. And lastly your underage, and i know you probably read the thread about east coast airsoft and expect it to get through. It wont, it will be seized, destroyed and your money long gone due to your own ignorance.

fuyutime2 January 1st, 2010 16:49

wut? theres a thread on eastcoastairsoft? idc bout that.i just wanna know more for when my birthday comes and then i can actually get sumthing.

jonney. January 1st, 2010 20:11

Even if your pimary goes down it's not like your life is on the line and you need a secondary, its airsoft just call yourself out of the game.
I am going to have to agree with amos on this one MORE MAGS!! Trust me its fun being able to lay on the trigger all game without a worry of running out of ammo.

Twin#1[Op-for] January 1st, 2010 20:14 could play a game without spraying everywhere and pick your shots...makes it more realistic!

marcwhite January 1st, 2010 20:20


Originally Posted by Twin#1[Op-for] (Post 1133863) could play a game without spraying everywhere and pick your shots...makes it more realistic!


jonney. January 1st, 2010 20:28

I use 30 round magazines only so it really doesnt matter how fast I shot them off its still realistic, running around with a hi cap mag and your gun on semi is whats not.

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