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ledor473 August 9th, 2009 12:30

Mod an UMP into a USC

Yesterday, I saw for the first time the USC rifle:
And i fall in love with it.

Now i'm looking to mod my UMP into that, anyone have an idea where to find this stock?

The stock will be the hardest parts... the barrel is easy, same for the paintjob.

Thanks guys if you can help me!

Thenooblord August 9th, 2009 12:38

its not just a stock, its got a different lower receiver and grip too, if you look closeley you see that the grip is part of the stock, not the receiver

ledor473 August 9th, 2009 13:04

Yep I see that ;)

But is I can find a stock I will epoxy it to the grip and it's gonna be ok :P

But if alle the lower receiver is avalid it's gonna be better (but I can't find one..)

jonney. August 9th, 2009 14:53

Actually the stock and lower receiver are separated. The stock and pistol grip are the same piece and they separate from the lower receiver apon disasebly just take a look at this video.YouTube - H&K USC to UMP Parts requirements

jonney. August 9th, 2009 15:00

As far as i know a replica Usc stock does not exsit, so your going have to go real steal.

ledor473 August 9th, 2009 16:46


I found some website where I can order it but they are in USA. Do you know if I can import it?

666 August 9th, 2009 23:36

Sure you can, just a stock itself will go through with no problems.

ledor473 August 9th, 2009 23:44

Well I ask the first retailler (who was selling them 35USD! Yes it's very cheap parts!) and he told me that they cannot export it because of a new US laws and he recommend me to deliver it to a friend in USA and after ship it to me... but I don't have any friend in the States....

I will probably go with the second retailler I found that sell it for 47USD.... But they are brand new. The first one was used (but i don't care :P)

Mitchell12 August 9th, 2009 23:51


Originally Posted by ledor473 (Post 1041966)
Well I ask the first retailler (who was selling them 35USD! Yes it's very cheap parts!) and he told me that they cannot export it because of a new US laws and he recommend me to deliver it to a friend in USA and after ship it to me... but I don't have any friend in the States....

I will probably go with the second retailler I found that sell it for 47USD.... But they are brand new. The first one was used (but i don't care :P)

Ask him to be your friend.

ledor473 August 10th, 2009 00:00

I already ask if we can become friend and make an exemption :P

But he said that: New export Laws in the U.S. just sux big time, so many hoops to jump and fees to do it legally that we just don't export anything....

Next retailler, I will not ask him if he can send it, I will only buy it :P

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