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Amos December 13th, 2007 23:42

Quietest Internals!
Hey... This isn't about which gun is quieter.. We all know the aug with the dynamat mod wins... (besides a bolt action)

I've got a JG G36C... Well it was JG, I'm pretty much planning on changing everything about it.

So far I've got the foam filled silencer part down pact...

I'm wondering about internals / motor.

I'm thinking of going with an Angel silent head set, and helical gears...

Anyone know what the quietest V3 motor would be?

/ anyone have any tips on getting it even more quiet?

(Little more info: this gun CAN NOT under any circumstances shoot harder than 350 FPS, It's my CQB gun.)

Skruface December 13th, 2007 23:47

Well, a King Arms M100 puts out a consistent 338 in my M733 (same barrel length as G36C) without any bearings on the piston head or spring guide. I got it at XT. If you don't want to shell out for a Systema motor, I'd go with the ICS Turbo 3000 or the G&P M120 High Speed motor. A mosfet will make the trigger really responsive in semi, esp. if used with 9.6 volts.

Amos December 13th, 2007 23:55


Originally Posted by Skruface (Post 594920)
Well, a King Arms M100 puts out a consistent 338 in my M733 (same barrel length as G36C) without any bearings on the piston head or spring guide. I got it at XT. If you don't want to shell out for a Systema motor, I'd go with the ICS Turbo 3000 or the G&P M120 High Speed motor. A mosfet will make the trigger really responsive in semi, esp. if used with 9.6 volts.

I have no problem spending money.. Think of it this way.. I'm not a smoker, Smokers on average spend a hell of alot more than I do on airsoft on a weekly basis :)

I'm looking for absolute quietest, I'd like to keep the ROF where it is, I don't wanna be blowing through all my ammo within the first 3 encounters.

Now for gears... I've been told by ThunderCactus that Helical gears are what I'm aiming for... But I'm interested in what Illusion / Madmax / People who have tones of experience with quirky gun mods will say..

Nova316 December 13th, 2007 23:58

Helicals are amazing, when shimmed correctly the only thing u hear is the whine from the motor, If u have a effective/quiet motor you'd be able to hear a bit and thats about it.
On my M4, with systema helicals im shooting ~420fps.. All you can hear is the motor.
Im using Systema Helicals, Deepfire 1/2 tooth, Systema silent head set, 7mm bearings.
The ROF is still really up there, U could go torque up if u wanted to, that'd make the trigger response more snappy.

dodger_me December 14th, 2007 00:03

i would think a high speed setup would have a quicker reaction time since he is runing a low power spring.

AnakChan December 14th, 2007 00:13

Note Angel's Silent Piston Head is only noticeable during full-auto. In Semi-Auto, to be honest it's hard pressed to see the difference. In addition, Angel's Silent Head would require specific or custom gears. The Silent Head comes with a piston with 12 teeth (i.e. you'll need a Phoenix Super Hi-Cycle gear set, or dremel off 4 teeth of a standard sector gear).

You can't put the Angel Piston Head on a standard 16-tooth piston too - actually ou can, but the head with the inverted suction cup protrudes big enough that you will have a problem with piston/sector gear engagement.

Amos December 14th, 2007 00:29

Thank you for that info!

Looks like the Systema Silent it is!

Now, Since I just save a tonne of money on my car insurance by switching... I mean, by choosing Systema over the Angel set..

What's the quietest, lowest ROF motor?

Note: I REALLY DO NOT LIKE GUNS THAT GET 16+ RPS... It seems like a HUGE waste of ammo to me.

With the G36 is there any way of covering the motor so there is little to no noise?

Nova316 December 14th, 2007 00:35

U might be able to stick some foam in the grip of the G36 to reduce or around the motor since there is a bit of room to play with. Even with a bit of foam it'll reduce the sound enough so u will be able to hear it, but not when u stand a lil back from it.
I think the quietest motor is the EG700
Thats from personal experience, but i've only ever had (EG1000,700,turbo,magnum)

Amos December 14th, 2007 01:54

I can't find anywhere that sells a EG700 for a G36c :( Looks like I'm gonna have to sacrifice my lust for a LOW rate of fire...

Since I can't find anywhere to find a resonably priced 310-330 FPS spring.. I'm gonna take a stock spring and upgrade the FPS through means of air seal and such. I'm planning on getting a G36 Pro-win hopup chamber.. apperently they boost FPS by about 20-30

Side note: Here's what I've got for my quiet setup

Systema Silent Head Set VER.III $35.20
Systema All Helical Gear Set Original Ratio $67.40
Tokyo Marui EG1000 Short Motor for AK /AUG /G36 /M1A1b $35.00
ProWin G36 Chamber for Marui G36 $22.00

Anything Good / bad / could be improved?

gvanzeggelaar December 14th, 2007 09:04

you can get an eg700 short on ebay for 24 bucks without shipping. (Marui EG700 SHORT Super Tune Airsoft Rifle Motor TMP-43 (#270147427619)) The ebay store is eHobby Asia Airsoft Supplier.

Amos December 15th, 2007 01:33

Thank you! 24 bucks is better than paying 40 + HK shipping for something I dont want!

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