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Full-Auto-Seer January 18th, 2018 00:34

The Northeast STEN
Now, I have an unhealthy obsession with GBB airsoft guns. I also am starting to grow tired of airsoft manufacturers releasing "Tactical Oper8or M4 #5238635 under a name that sounds like something different" every three weeks. So to me, this is a godsend. The Northeast Airsoft Gas Blowback STEN Mk. II and Mk. V.

Look at these beauties.

With all sorts of attatchments. (Keymod who?)

And here's some videos.

So, who's excited? I know I am! It's great to see more and more WWII guns getting out on the market. And for a nice price too, if the presenter in the second video is correct.

Flawless January 31st, 2018 20:10

I'm very very exciting about this gun. I talked to North East Airsoft. I think it will be releasing this spring.

Kozure February 5th, 2018 15:26

That is a gun I could get behind for some WWII Canuck gear loadouts.

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