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Activist March 3rd, 2016 22:42

Brand new Glock 17 has non-functioning trigger-safety & I'm not smart enough to fix it
Well as some may know - i was in the process of purchasing a PREMIUM quality Glock 17 GBB pistol manufactured by Bell/Seiko (which I believe is a clone of both TM [mag-wise]and WE. Any how when I took it out of the box the first thing I noticed was the trigger. My first reaction was simple disappointment in the lack of detail when I noticed there was no double-trigger... not even thinking that this brand new (never fired?) GBBP had a broken trigger safety.. Basically the most crucial and special/unique feature of the Glock family (IMO)... But after I picked it up and gave it a closer look I noticed that the trigger-safety WAS there but it wasn't operational. After a quick field-strip I found that I could use a pin to poke through the frame into the back of the trigger guard and push the second-trigger out (thus enabling it), however it was not on a spring or connected to a coil or anything so after testing it's actual functionality (pulling on the sides of the trigger) and discovering that it DOES in-fact [function], it simply just doesn't reset itsself on each trigger pull.

(here's what the frame looks like in this state)

And here is what it looks like when I push it forward:

I've been looking at diagrams of WE, TM and KSC/KWA models but I haven't figured it out yet. It's obvious I need to attach a spring to the middle-trigger somehow and connect it to something else (which i don't believe to be that bent metal wire coming out from the mag-release...I'm pretty sure that is only there to keep tension on the release so it doesn't become lose).

I cut down a pen spring and stretched it, thinning it out but even after spending two straight hours hunched over trying to connect it to potential positions that may have made logical sense to keep putting pressure on the middle trigger so that it would keep it pushed out while at the same time allowing me to pull the trugger properly (so in other words...i tried getting it to work!!).

I looked around the box and there was no loose pieces but i PM'd an ASC member that previously owned a BELL Glock and he says his trigger-safety was functional...So I guess I got a lemon.. Any help guys?

Red Dot March 3rd, 2016 23:18

Contact the store where you had purchased it from, brand new out of the box displaying that you should be able to get a replacement.

That being said I have a WE G-Force Big Bird that is supposed to work like that as well however it doesn't even connect with the frame to act as a safety... depending on the manufacture quality control can be an issue especially with copies.

Activist March 4th, 2016 00:46

Don't worry I got it from a retailer whom I'm very satisfied with and he already has promised to either send me a brand new one when it's back in stock - or he has allowed me to pick out a new gbb of equal value for free and i can keep this gun for parts thus i dont need to worry about return shipping, feel anxious about feeling screwed or anything like that.. If he actually sends me out the GBB i said i'd take within a day or two then I'm going to be dealing with him exclusively...!
sorry to hear you're dealing with similar issues however... what is your situation is resolving the issue?

Styrak March 4th, 2016 14:00


i was in the process of purchasing a PREMIUM quality Glock 17 GBB pistol
I hope you meant that as satire.

BioRage March 4th, 2016 14:03


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1973406)
I hope you meant that as satire.


Danke March 4th, 2016 14:13


Red Dot March 4th, 2016 14:49


Originally Posted by Activist (Post 1973344)
EDIT - sorry to hear you're dealing with similar issues however... what is your situation is resolving the issue?

Nothing, I don't care as it more an aesthetic thing. Best safety is finger off the trigger lol. :D

daishi March 4th, 2016 15:46

Some mod out there please rename this thread "MOST REAL-IEST GLOCK 2016"

Add ultra, super and premium in there where it looks good.

Maybe next time, dont buy a TM clone and just buy a TM?

All it is is a small weird shaped "spring", or a flexible price of plastic that may have snapped. Look up how to disassemble the trigger assembly and jury rig a new spring, or just buy a replacement trigger group and be done with it. Guns modify makes a decent one I do believe and since its a TM clone it should fit.

pestobanana March 4th, 2016 16:28

BELL is a really incredibly shitty ACM company, their products are not even close to "premium". My recommendation is to get a refund or store credit.

ccyg8774 March 4th, 2016 16:45

Marui, WE or Bell glock stock trigger safety should looks like this.

The "spikey" thing on top is supposed to be elastic and straight. When the trigger safety being pushed in, the "spike" get bent. When finger moved away from trigger, the spike should push the trigger safety out. There is no metal springs or coils for the stock trigger safety. I don't think your stretched pen spring will help.

If that piece get bent for too long and not coming back straight, or not elastic enough (surprisingly common on WE Glocks), or get snapped, the trigger safety will not function.

I replaced the trigger safety parts of my WE Glocks to TM parts (I think it is $0.8 on WGC). No more problem. I probably should buy another $0.8 TM trigger safety for my Bell Glock which has a functional but weak trigger safety.

The replacing of the trigger safety is very easy to do. You just push the small pin holding the trigger safety (NOT the big pin holding the trigger) out, take the old trigger safety out, put the new one in, and put the pin back. The trigger do not need to be taken out of the frame for the replacing.

Activist March 19th, 2016 00:47

For the record the emphasis on premium was obvious sarcasm

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